My Daughter is Going To Be a Crack Addict and it Will Be All My Fault

As a single mother I worry about my kids and how they are going to turn out because they don't have a dad around 24/7 to keep them on the straight and narrow. I can be a bit of a pushover at times and sometimes I let them do things that aren't always the best for them because it is just easier for me to

My Daughter is Going To Be a Crack Addict and it Will Be All My Fault2011-01-31T16:26:41-06:00

Death in the Family

And it's all my fault. I killed the hermit crabs. At least I think I did. It's hard to tell since they don't do anything. Hermit crabs aren't like the cat or the dog. If you forget to feed or water then they make noise, they drink out of the toilet, they throw their bowl around until someone notices and feeds them. I

Death in the Family2010-11-01T10:48:30-05:00

Knock It Off!

Image by animm via Flickr For the last week my neighbors have been lighting off fireworks. Not a ton but enough to scare the shit out of my dog making him hide under my desk. Stanley is a beast of a dog even if he has very short, stubby legs. He takes up a lot of room and there are a lot of cables and

Knock It Off!2010-07-08T08:47:21-05:00

Talking to Myself

The kids get out of school in ten more days. Yay. I am looking forward to not having to nag about homework for a few months and I am also really excited about not having to wake the dead each morning. I'm not looking forward to feeding the children now that they are home all day but I'm getting used to that. I know that

Talking to Myself2010-06-01T11:20:31-05:00

Who Did That?

As I was leaving the house yesterday I noticed what looked liked dog kibble all over the yard. I have a dog, and a child who likes to feed the dog, so it didn't seem like an odd thing to see. Except that the kibble was still there and had not been eaten, and that it was placed within animal prints in the same spot

Who Did That?2010-01-29T12:48:15-06:00

I Create My Own Stress

Duh, I know. If you have been reading my blog for a while you have already figured this little factoid out but I wasn't convinced until today. Yesterday my daughter and her friend went outside with the idea that they would start the garden. I even bought my daughter some seeds at the hardware store when I picked up a filter for my furnace. I

I Create My Own Stress2009-04-04T13:47:00-05:00

Cats Who Can’t Spell

I've noticed that there are a lot of stupid cats on the interwebs. Have you noticed this? It seems this is everywhere. Daisy has no problem spelling, Harley sometimes needs a little help but he tries. These cats don't even try. I'm not even sure they are sounding out the words. I find it irritating that our felines are getting stupid. I expect dogs to

Cats Who Can’t Spell2009-02-17T20:07:00-06:00


Literally. Some irresponsible lazy ass jerk let his or her dog crap on my sidewalk and then didn't pick it up. Don't we have laws about this sort of thing? It's right before Christmas and someone is tempting fate. This person deserves a big stinking lump of crap in their stocking. I'm tempted to make a sign pointing to the excrement and telling them they



My daughter has been begging me to post about her beloved Stanley. Stanley is a Bassador which is a mix of Basset Hound and Labrador Retriever. There are actually websites devoted to this kind of dog. Stanley, who I usually refer to as the dumb dog, came from the Humane Society. We adopted him shortly after ex #2 left taking the even dumber dog with


Bad Dog!

Since I started working outside of the house again I have found that the little rental dog has regressed to pooping upstairs while I am away. When she came to our house from my parents she was not fully trained and had also suffered numerous losses and changes to her routine. I cut her some slack but there were times when I really thought I

Bad Dog!2008-06-04T05:12:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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