Let’s Do A Little Catching Up, Shall We?

Last time I wrote I was complaining because I couldn't write 1700 words a day. I'd decided to participate in the NaBloPoMo that takes place in November, but found it a challenge to write 1700 words per day. It was my intention to write everyday, even if I didn't hit the 1700 word mark. I made it a whole 4 days. I love blogging, I love

Let’s Do A Little Catching Up, Shall We?2023-03-06T21:50:54-06:00

Shaun Cassidy at Hoyt Sherman Place June 17th, 2022

Last month an old friend and I made a 4 hour trek through nothing but cornfields to see our preteen crush - Shaun Cassidy - perform at the Hoyt Sherman Place theater. We caught the June 17th show. I don't remember which came first - Shaun the pop music sensation or The Hardy Boys. Seems to me they both happened at the same time. It

Shaun Cassidy at Hoyt Sherman Place June 17th, 20222022-07-10T09:00:39-05:00

How to Prepare for a Devastating Injury

When I broke my shoulder I wasn't prepared. I never thought I'd injure myself in such a way that I would need to so much assistance from my kids and good friends. I am fortunate to have people to help me, but I wish I had been more prepared for such a devastating injury. A fractured shoulder takes a long time to heal - upwards

How to Prepare for a Devastating Injury2022-02-13T17:33:48-06:00

Favorite Holiday Memories

Christmas is a time when I try to impart on my children the traditions I grew up with. Yes, I've made them try lutefisk and there's always some pickled herring in the fridge, but those aren't the traditions I'm talking about. Growing up, Christmas was celebrated twice. Once with extended family and once with just the four of us - Mom, Dad, my brother and

Favorite Holiday Memories2020-12-23T18:47:30-06:00

One Month Orangetheory Fitness Update

It's been one month since I did a free class at Orangetheory Fitness and subsequently signed up. I've been going twice a week for four weeks and feeling pretty good about it. At 54 I have all the aches and pains of people thirty years older than me. I recently had wrist surgery so that mucks things up a bit too. Mostly, at 54 I'm

One Month Orangetheory Fitness Update2020-09-30T12:39:02-05:00

K-Tel’s Music Express

K-Tel's Music Express is the first album I ever purchased with my own money. I was 9 and had saved my allowance for what seemed like forever so I could purchase this album. I had other albums - I had the soundtrack to American Graffiti, the soundtracks to all the Disney movies from that era - Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Bedknobs and Broomsticks,

K-Tel’s Music Express2020-09-24T13:19:58-05:00

Who Wants to Discuss Cobra Kai?

First of all - no spoilers - so don't worry if you haven't seen the series Cobra Kai yet. OMG why haven't you watched Cobra Kai yet? Seriously, go out and watch it now. Sorry if there are any typos, I'm writing this while watching Cobra Kai. I couldn't wait to share this with everyone because this is the thing that makes up for 2020.

Who Wants to Discuss Cobra Kai?2020-08-30T13:00:13-05:00

Ultimate Gift Guide for the Last Minute Shoppers, the Clueless and What My Ex Husband Should Have Gotten Me Instead of the Iron

It's been a while since I did a gift guide, each year the holidays seem to creep up on me faster and faster and each year I am never prepared for them. Last year I had gotten fired from a position I held for 7 or 8 years without any warning or any cause (you can read about it here). Even though it was one

Ultimate Gift Guide for the Last Minute Shoppers, the Clueless and What My Ex Husband Should Have Gotten Me Instead of the Iron2019-12-12T15:59:49-06:00

So You Want to Get a Puppy…

If you're thinking about getting a puppy - don't. Actually do, they're adorable and cute and cuddly and floppy and wonderful. They just don't sleep when you want them to and they poop and pee a lot, especially when you aren't looking. We recently got a new puppy. We went through a border collie rescue and found the most adorable puppy. This was not a

So You Want to Get a Puppy…2019-06-13T20:06:19-05:00

Please Don’t Ask Me What I Want for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is just around the corner and if you're like most people who are not moms, you haven't gotten anything yet for your mother. If you're like most children of moms, you probably have no idea what to get your mother for this totally made up holiday and have resorted to asking your mother what she wants. {Disclosure - there may be some affiliate

Please Don’t Ask Me What I Want for Mother’s Day2019-05-07T14:38:55-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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