Damn Cat

I hate my cat. I am not a cat person, apologies to all of you who are but I have a cat for one reason only. To kill the bugs and little rodents around my house. Actually I don't have mice in my house anymore unless the damn cat brings one in but when we lived at our other house she was a veritable mouse

Damn Cat2008-12-16T06:13:00-06:00

Emily the Caterpillar

Yesterday it was nearly forty degrees. It was also raining so a good portion of the snow we had was melting. Daughter had made a snowman with the neighbor girl the day before and was anxious to see how it was doing in the rain so I bundled her up and let her go out and play. She not only got to play in the

Emily the Caterpillar2008-12-15T09:30:00-06:00

Wii Fit

I want one, I have looked everywhere to find one and there are none. There are none in real stores and there are none online unless I want to pay three times what they are worth and I don't. The day after Christmas there will be gobs of them in stores and online. I'm willing to wait since it's for me anyway.Why can't Nintendo make

Wii Fit2008-12-14T10:51:00-06:00

Lessons From Entrecard

I've been doing the whole Entrecard thing for about a week now and I have a few thoughts on it.First and foremost using it has increased my blog traffic considerably. It's also increased the amount of comments I get so I couldn't be happier that I have spent 175 hours browsing websites this week.There are a lot of blogs out in the blogosphere. Duh, I

Lessons From Entrecard2008-12-12T06:40:00-06:00

Follow the bouncing check

Last summer ex #2 asked if I could loan him a couple hundred dollars for a week. When the week passed he gave me a check for $200. I deposited it in my bank and you guessed it, it bounced. He eventually paid me back less the bank fees. He asked me to tear up the check. I didn't. I kept the check and now

Follow the bouncing check2008-12-12T04:34:00-06:00


Literally. Some irresponsible lazy ass jerk let his or her dog crap on my sidewalk and then didn't pick it up. Don't we have laws about this sort of thing? It's right before Christmas and someone is tempting fate. This person deserves a big stinking lump of crap in their stocking. I'm tempted to make a sign pointing to the excrement and telling them they


What’s On Your Refrigerator?

This is what my refrigerator looks like. Right now it happens to be pretty clean. I tend to stick all of the important things on the fridge because I know where to look for them. This is my filing system. When it fills up and things start falling off or I have no more magnets left I clean it up. I pitch what is out

What’s On Your Refrigerator?2008-12-09T19:13:00-06:00

Fuckity Fuck!

I realize that I rarely really rant on this blog. I piss and moan a lot but I don't usually let it rip. This time I'm pissed so if you don't want to read anymore foul language leave now.I'll try to be brief so here are the facts:Ex #2 owes over $12k in child support arrears.I have carried this debt for two years.The arrears are

Fuckity Fuck!2008-12-08T09:35:00-06:00

To Tip Or Not To Tip

This morning I grabbed my paper which was hermetically sealed in a plastic bag because it has been snowing here the past few days. When I opened the paper I found a card inside. Not an advertising card but a greeting card or Christmas card from my carrier.I've never gotten a Christmas card from my carrier before so I thought it was pretty kind of

To Tip Or Not To Tip2008-12-07T16:54:00-06:00

I Have No Life

It's Saturday night, I have no children at home this evening (dad's weekend) and what am I doing? I'm watching You've Got Mail and Up Close and Personal. I'm switching between the two but mostly watching Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. I get this movie confused with Sleepless In Seattle which if it were on I would be watching that too.Interestingly I used to own

I Have No Life2008-12-06T19:28:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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