Blogs I Hate

Image via Wikipedia I've been noticing a trend lately, maybe you have too. If someone finds a unique hook, writes something radically different or changes their theme to a never before used design, everyone else does the same thing. This needs to stop. I wrote a while ago how bloggers were getting their periods at the same time. I said it in jest and to

Blogs I Hate2010-03-12T05:33:14-06:00

Boyfriend or Blog?

Since Lola jumped back into the dating world I have been thinking about finding a mate for myself. It's been a fleeting thought, here and there, throughout the years since my divorce. I have dated but no one seriously. There seemed to be all kinds of good reasons not to get involved with anyone. My divorce took two years and it brought out the worst

Boyfriend or Blog?2010-03-10T09:56:47-06:00

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

I'm not sure it is a good thing or a bad thing but I am awfully proud of my son. That's not what I am confused about, I am always proud of my son. Geez, I'm already babbling. My son has started up his own blog! He told me about it last night and wanted me to help him with it. His blog is called

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree2009-11-19T10:41:51-06:00

New Study Reveals Bloggers Get their Periods at the Same Time

I made that up, there has been no study, but like college it seems that a lot of bloggers, at least the ones who hang out in the virtual world together, seem to write about the same stuff at the same time. Don't worry guys this doesn't mean you are or have grown a vagina, it just means you are in sync with all the

New Study Reveals Bloggers Get their Periods at the Same Time2009-11-16T10:38:24-06:00

Let’s Take a Tour

Today we are going to take a little tour of my new site. I have to admit that Wordpress themes, while a little challenging at first, actually have some cool little features. First off you'll notice if you look above the title for this post that there are two tool bar thingys. I used to know a lot more technical terms for things but frankly

Let’s Take a Tour2009-10-08T13:00:41-05:00

Ch Ch Ch Changes

There could be a few more "ch-ch"s in there, I'm really not sure. I have made my move over to my own domain using Wordpress. I'm still fiddling with it so don't be surprised if it changes several times in the next few weeks. In fact it will probably change if you hit the refresh button. I've switched the theme so many times in the

Ch Ch Ch Changes2009-10-01T17:18:43-05:00

Blogging 101

I've been blogging for nearly two years now and have really loved every minute of it. I live my life by what I can post on the web. If I can't post it it's hardly worth doing. This attitude has freed me from some of the more mundane tasks in my life. Why do laundry? No one wants to read about it unless you have

Blogging 1012009-09-20T11:53:00-05:00

House Cleaning Blog Style

Less than 48 hours to go! Is anyone else as excited as I am to have the new school year start? I will soon be able to blog on a much more regular basis. In anticipation of that I wanted to post a few reminders. If you aren't already following me on Twitter please do. I follow back everyone who follows me. You can also

House Cleaning Blog Style2009-09-06T10:51:00-05:00

Entrecard and my fat ass

Image via CrunchBase I have been reading about all the changes over at Entrecard. People are in a tizzy about the paid ads and the management of the changeover and a whole bunch of other issues that I had no idea about. Yesterday, when I stopped by Crotchedy Old Man's site, I learned that there was a boycott of dropping going on that day. When

Entrecard and my fat ass2009-04-11T07:21:00-05:00

It’s My First Anniversary

I can't believe it has been a year already and yet at times I feel as if I have been doing this forever. When I first started this blog I knew very little about blogging. Actually I knew nothing about blogging and it is quiet evident if you read through the comments. It has taken me a while to find my voice on this blog

It’s My First Anniversary2009-01-23T11:52:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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