Where Does The Walking Dead Go From Here?

After last night's brutal episode, where does The Walking Dead go from here? SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched the series premier of episode 7 and don't know what happened, then hit the back button now and back away. This post is filled with predictions for where the show will go and also filled with spoilers about what has happened so far. You've been warned.

Where Does The Walking Dead Go From Here?2016-10-24T11:17:06-05:00

Donald Trump and Late Term Abortion

If you watched the final presidential debate last night, the one between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, then you know that Donald Trump and Late Term Abortion are terms that don't go together. In other words, Donald Trump has no freaking idea what is going on with regard to late term or third trimester abortion. Last night Donald Trump blathered on and on about how

Donald Trump and Late Term Abortion2016-10-20T16:51:05-05:00

OMG Stop Unfriending Each Other!!

For the love of Pete, stop unfriending each other!! Every five minutes someone is challenging their Facebook friends and followers to unfriend them if they hold a different opinion about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. "If you support that lying, misogynistic, groping dumbass - well just unfriend me now", or "If you think she actually supports women then you can just unfriend me right now,

OMG Stop Unfriending Each Other!!2022-01-09T18:53:18-06:00

The Anticipation is Killing Me!

The anticipation is killing me. I'm not even sure that's the right word, but I simply can't wait much longer to find out who will win this election. Sure, I'm almost 100% certain it will be Hillary Clinton, but by the way the internet is acting (and her surrogates and the media are overreacting) one might get the impression the race is a lot closer than

The Anticipation is Killing Me!2016-10-05T15:09:36-05:00

No Closure for the Wetterlings

While Jacob Wetterling's remains have been found, there will be no closure for the Wetterlings. Over the weekend news sites and social media have been filled with articles about Jacob Wetterling. Jacob Wetterling's remains were found this past weekend when the man who is suspected of abducting Jacob led authorities to his remains. I know better, but I looked at the comments. All of the comments

No Closure for the Wetterlings2016-09-06T15:43:25-05:00

Summer in Minnesota 2016: We Lost Prince and Found Jacob

They say this decade, the 2010s, has been pretty crappy for those who came of age during the 80s, we've lost so many of our icons. If that's true, then this summer has truly epitomized that sentiment, especially for Minnesotans. This Summer We Lost Prince and Found Jacob Summer 2016 has been a roller coaster ride. While not officially summer, it was warm (and that's

Summer in Minnesota 2016: We Lost Prince and Found Jacob2016-09-05T11:09:23-05:00

No One Ever Said there Would Be this Much Cat Vomit!!

Lately I've been thinking about all the crap I've cleaned up in my lifetime, and it's a lot. And while cat vomit is not technically crap, it falls into the same category of things I'd rather not touch with my bare hands, which puts it at the same level as doo-doo. No one ever said there would be this much cat vomit. Dini, our 13

No One Ever Said there Would Be this Much Cat Vomit!!2016-08-15T15:02:20-05:00

The GOP Better Get Their Shit Together!

The GOP better get their shit together, and fast. It should have been no surprise to anyone that there will be no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for the very careless handling of classified information, and unless the GOP really prefers Hillary to Trump, they need to get their shit together. And fast. Hillary was never going to be indicted. Never. The woman is a Clinton

The GOP Better Get Their Shit Together!2016-07-06T15:46:03-05:00

On the Passing of Prince – From a Minnesotan

I was in the car with my daughter Thursday morning when we heard the news that Prince had died. We were going to Ikea, driving along 494 through Burnsville, Mn. My daughter is in charge of the radio while we drive and had just switched from satellite radio to a local station, Cities 97 if you're wondering, when we caught the tail end of the

On the Passing of Prince – From a Minnesotan2016-04-23T11:46:40-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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