Let’s Talk about 13 Reasons Why

By now you've heard all the hype about the Netflix series, so let's talk about 13 Reasons Why, shall we? This is about my 5th attempt at writing about the show, and it probably won't be my last.  Before we go any further **** Major Spoiler Alert**** don't read anymore if you haven't seen it and don't want to know what happens. 13 Reasons Why

Let’s Talk about 13 Reasons Why2017-04-28T17:02:28-05:00

What I Learned on My Facebook Vacation

Recently I took a little break from social media, and this is what I learned on my Facebook Vacation. I needed a break from social media, but mostly I needed to get off of Facebook. Facebook is where I do most of my socializing.  Don't judge, you probably do too, or maybe you're fond of Pinterest, or you hang out with the folks on Instagram.

What I Learned on My Facebook Vacation2017-02-02T21:33:10-06:00

Taking a Social Media Break

I'm going to be taking a social media break. Mostly from Facebook since that is where I waste most of my time. I'm doing it for many reasons, the above mentioned wasting time is a big one, but I'm also doing it because it's not fun anymore. Social media has turned into the Mean Girls table in 7th grade and I hated it then and

Taking a Social Media Break2017-01-23T21:37:37-06:00

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

If you're like a good chunk of the US population, and probably a large percentage of the rest of the world, you probably think that come Friday, it's the end of the world as we know it. Or maybe it will be the end of the world? Who knows, maybe shortly after Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States,

It’s the End of the World as We Know It2017-01-18T12:30:25-06:00

On Trump and Golden Showers

Here are my thoughts on Trump and Golden Showers, but first I should mention I did not bother to read the Buzzfeed article, the dossier that was apparently handed over from John McCain to the FBI or maybe it was the CIA or possible the NSA, TSA, FCC, JCC or AARP, and I didn't see any of the press conference Donald Trump gave today, either. I

On Trump and Golden Showers2017-01-11T20:23:39-06:00

How to Drive in Snow

Now more than ever it's important to learn how to drive in snow. This past weekend a good chunk of the nation received several inches, if not feet, of snow. In fact, 49 of 5o states have been affected by this massive storm. Not every state is covered in snow, but there are many places that don't normally see snow who are now forced to navigate

How to Drive in Snow2017-01-09T18:15:20-06:00

Douchebaggery is Hard to Cure

Hat tip to my friend Leigh for texting this reminder - douchebaggery is hard to cure - after a meeting with a douchebag. She asked me if I really expected things to turn out any differently than they did and then followed up with the aforementioned truism. Douchebaggery is hard to cure, indeed In fact, I have yet to meet a douchebag who has been

Douchebaggery is Hard to Cure2017-01-02T15:34:37-06:00

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup

For your reading pleasure I've put together my sometimes annual Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup. Every other media outlet does a roundup so I thought, what the heck, I'll do one too! I'm actually surprised I wrote enough this year for a roundup. In fact, I actually wrote and published 60 posts this year, which is my third time high since I started blogging in 2007.

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup2016-12-31T10:45:36-06:00

Life isn’t Fair

My mother had been telling me that life isn't fair since as far back as I could remember. She'd married a gay man and had a debilitating stroke before she reached the age of 30, so I figured she knew what she was talking about. It didn't really hit home for me until I was in middle school. The Back Story When I was 10

Life isn’t Fair2023-09-27T15:00:32-05:00

Post Election Pledge

Now that the Great Presidential Campaign of 2016 is over (even if we don't know the results yet) can we all make this post election pledge to get along with one another? Post Election Pledge: I promise to treat everyone with kindness, consideration and respect, no matter who they voted for this election. I will not hold it against them if they voted for someone other

Post Election Pledge2016-11-09T20:25:37-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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