I Suck at Mario Kart for the Wii

My daughter got a Wii for Christmas. Actually she got two Wiis. One at home and one at her dad's. This means she can be practicing these games all the time which means if I want to compete with her I have to practice all the time. And I don't have time for that. Last night we played Mario Kart for hours, both of us

I Suck at Mario Kart for the Wii2012-01-16T05:02:00-06:00

It’s the End of the World As We Know It

Ever since Apocalypse week on the History Channel over winter break (because I had to watch every show aired), my daughter has been obsessing over the end of the world. She is convinced it will end this year, December 21st, 2012, to be precise. I've tried to explain to her that nuts have been predicting the end of the world since I was her age

It’s the End of the World As We Know It2012-01-09T13:31:15-06:00

Does Santa Really Exist?

Does Santa exist? My daughter still believes in Santa. I don't know why, she has been told by classmates that he isn't real and has asked me for the truth to which I have answered. She is not letting go of the myth of Santa. She refuses to consider any of the inconsistencies and doesn't want to talk logic. Funny thing is, we don't go to

Does Santa Really Exist?2011-12-20T05:57:51-06:00

Top 50 Toys from the Past 100 Years

While I agree with the overall assessment of this infographic I have to take umbrage that they left off the Barbie Townhouse, Cabbage Patch Dolls, GI Joe, Legos and Lincoln Logs. When I was a kid I had to have the Barbie Head thingy. You know, the bust of Barbie that was made to put on make-up and style her hair. She was meant to

Top 50 Toys from the Past 100 Years2011-12-19T13:55:26-06:00

What Is Ringworm?

What is ringworm*? I'll tell you what ringworm is. It's the reason my kid has been home for the last four days and the reason your kid came home with a note only slightly less better than the lice note. Thankfully we are not the lice family but ringworm is a very close second. What is ringworm? Until a week and a half ago I

What Is Ringworm?2011-12-13T14:12:18-06:00

Minnesota’s Children of the Corn

Ex#2 and I took the daughter to the Shafer Corn Maze this weekend. It seemed like a fun, family outing when I suggested it and obviously the others agreed because they were game to go. Normally this time of year, I am gearing up to start complaining about the cold. Not this year. This year in Minnesota the weather has been so lovely I've completely

Minnesota’s Children of the Corn2011-10-11T20:37:27-05:00

I Have Child Induced ADD

I do. I have child induced Attention Deficit Disorder which means I can't focus on one task for more than a few minutes at a time. I'm not ashamed to admit I have this disorder, most mothers do. Scratch that, all mothers have child induced ADD. It starts during gestation, though we don't notice the degree of the disorder until after birth. In the beginning,

I Have Child Induced ADD2011-07-27T11:29:14-05:00

RIP Nutmeg

Yes, it seems as if animals are dropping like flies this week at the Brown House. Monday we lost our beloved Reuben and yesterday we said goodbye to Nutmeg. For those of you who don't know who Nutmeg is (and you wouldn't because she died before I could introduce you to her) she was a guinea pig we adopted this past Sunday. We aren't really

RIP Nutmeg2011-06-23T17:23:29-05:00

My Little Boy Graduated!

Last night my son graduated from high school. Not only did he graduate but he graduated Cum Laude and with IB honors, and he has been accepted to one of the top science engineering schools in the country. I'm extremely proud of him. He has been an easy child to raise which is good because I didn't always do the right thing when it came

My Little Boy Graduated!2011-06-08T13:56:13-05:00

Smokey the Hamster

Smokey the HamsterYou might recall the bunny fiasco a while back. Fiasco probably isn't the right word because Jack was cute and really sweet but he pooped a lot. So much that I couldn't keep up with the poop. I also had a really had time leaving him in the cage all day. It just didn't seem right for one animal to be locked in

Smokey the Hamster2011-03-19T09:43:11-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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