While I agree with the overall assessment of this infographic I have to take umbrage that they left off the Barbie Townhouse, Cabbage Patch Dolls, GI Joe, Legos and Lincoln Logs.
When I was a kid I had to have the Barbie Head thingy. You know, the bust of Barbie that was made to put on make-up and style her hair. She was meant to be used over and over again but after you used Magic Marker as eye shadow and cut her hair into a much cuter pixie cut, she wasn’t much good.
What was your favorite toy from Christmas or Hanukkah past?

I had the speak and spell. but my favorite was doll bunk beds, and a toy piano because the legs came off and I could make long pointy fingers out of them.
Well, we didn’t have Barbie or Play-doh in the 50’s! We still had Plasticine, in the wrinkly strips that had a horrid smell 🙂 We did have the Hula-Hoop though.
I remember being jacked beyond belief when we got an Atari system. I only remember two games — Pong, which sucked, and Space Invaders which totally ruled. I played that so much that all I saw were bombs coming down when I closed my eyes.