Listerine Smart Rinse Sweet Smart Challenge

We are excited to be participating in the Listerine Smart Rinse Sweet Smart Challenge. Wow, what a mouthful! If you've read my blog for more than a year you might have read this little ditty about ex#2 accusing me of feeding our child epoxy. Don't worry, I didn't. We have a bit of a tartar problem. That's the royal 'we', I don't have a problem

Listerine Smart Rinse Sweet Smart Challenge2012-10-08T09:49:14-05:00

This really is a real blog and Free Tickets to Hotel Transylvania

It only seems like it's nothing more than ads, reviews and promotions. Wanna get a free prescreening of Hotel Transylvania this weekend? Click here to get tickets to see the movie at the Mall of America at 10am on Saturday September 22nd. This is first come first served and having tickets doesn't mean you have a guaranteed seat. The theater is overbooked to ensure that

This really is a real blog and Free Tickets to Hotel Transylvania2012-09-17T21:14:52-05:00

Summer Reading List (Infographic)

Summer officially starts in our house this afternoon. Last night my daughter and I stopped at Half Price Books to find the book Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones. She also wrote Howl's Moving Castle. Anyway, seems the second book isn't as readily available at the used bookstores so we went to Barnes and Noble to find a copy. My daughter is hoping to

Summer Reading List (Infographic)2012-06-08T07:27:33-05:00

The Winner of the Perry Files!

The winner to last week's Disney Giveaway is Patricia Wojnar Crowley! Congratulations Patricia, I hope you enjoy the Disney DVD about Agent P and all his crazy friends and enemies. We really loved the video and have watched it several times in the last week. In addition to the DVD you get some games and puzzles that the kids will be sure to love. Please email

The Winner of the Perry Files!2012-06-06T11:41:56-05:00

Daughter Gets 5 Teeth Removed With Laughing Gas

Last week my daughter had to have 5 teeth removed. Apparently there is a little crowding going on and because she won't let her baby teeth fall out we had to have some of them removed. This is a video of the nurse (who was wonderful) prepping her for the surgery. Because Maddie is a little nervous about needles we decided that a little laughing

Daughter Gets 5 Teeth Removed With Laughing Gas2012-03-21T11:15:34-05:00

How To Prevent Bullying

This morning I learned that Minnesota Governor (D), Mark Dayton's Anti Bullying Task Force met for the first time today in Roseville. The task force was established to better prevent bullying in our Minnesota schools. From the Minneapolis Star Tribune: Attorney General Lori Swanson proposed legislation to require school districts to respond to bullying reports within 24 hours*. The bill also would require districts to create

How To Prevent Bullying2012-03-19T19:07:09-05:00

The Internet IS Your Permanent Record

I've been lucky enough to have two children who, at least when under the age of 10, have been unable to keep any secrets from me. I'm not foolish enough to believe this will last through the teen years. In fact I have one who has made it through the teen years and I can say that yes, they will learn how to lie. However,

The Internet IS Your Permanent Record2012-03-06T20:07:51-06:00

The Kid Finally Makes it to the Wall

Before the internet and digital everything I took pictures, usually of my son, developed the images, enlarged the images, framed the images and then hung them on my walls. My living room and hallway is filled with great pictures of my son and his cousins when they were little. Noticeably absent is the daughter She isn't on any of the walls or even in any

The Kid Finally Makes it to the Wall2012-02-24T10:25:09-06:00

Is Macaroni and Cheese the New Cupcake? And Does That Mean The Economy is on the Upswing?

Remember when cupcakes appeared on the scene? Suddenly cupcakes were everywhere. Stores opened up on the street selling just cupcakes (wtf?!) and reality shows were produced on a scale second to rednecks blowing up things on the History Channel. Cupcakes were everywhere. Pretty little things, too cute to eat. Cupcakes a great investment I attended an event for women entrepreneurs last year filled with nothing

Is Macaroni and Cheese the New Cupcake? And Does That Mean The Economy is on the Upswing?2012-01-24T10:06:34-06:00

Hey, Adam Levine by Tim Mahoney

Last year on the first season of The Voice, one of our very own local Minnesota boys got to sing in front of Christina, Ceelo, that country guy and Adam Levine. I don't have time to watch these kinds of shows like a fan should. I don't have time to watch three times a week or however many times it's on but I made a

Hey, Adam Levine by Tim Mahoney2012-01-18T18:31:13-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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