Friday Blog Challenge: Create a Contact Me Page

Friday Blog Challenge: Create a Contact Me Page On Your Blog I can't tell you how important it is to have a Contact Me page on your blog. How will PR people find you? How will that publishing house contact you about the book they want you to write? How will your adoring readers send you chocolate when you are having a bad day? How

Friday Blog Challenge: Create a Contact Me Page2020-01-17T04:13:08-06:00

Biting The Hand That Feeds Me

I've been blogging for almost five years. When I first started blogging I spent all day reading other blogs, clicking on little yellow boxes and even writing a post here and there. I met a great group of people and really enjoyed reading what they had to say. Commenting was the best part of blogging in the early days because it was a way to

Biting The Hand That Feeds Me2012-06-06T10:57:40-05:00

Open Letter to the Dumbass who Hacked My Website

Thanks mutherfucker! That was sarcasm in case your immature brain doesn't recognize it. Thanks for hacking my website. It took me a few days and many desperate emails and phone calls to figure out what you did and then undo it. Thanks for stealing so much of my time that I don't have to spare. What happened This dumbass got into my site using the

Open Letter to the Dumbass who Hacked My Website2011-08-24T10:10:37-05:00

It’s Not Free if it Costs $997!

Earlier this week I got an email from John Chow on behalf of Kevin Wilke for his Local Business Money and Freedom Machine. For those of you who don't know who John Chow is he is an internet marketing guru who makes millions of dollars (even though he is Canadian) each year doing internet marketing things. He is well respected in his online community. I

It’s Not Free if it Costs $997!2010-11-05T09:48:02-05:00

How Can I Get More Comments?

Image via Wikipedia I often hear bloggers complain that they don't get many comments. They have done all the right things, they tell me, they have written great content, joined blog communities and promoted their posts, they have visited other sites and commented but they still aren't getting any comments, or at least very few, on their blog.  What gives? I'll tell you what gives.

How Can I Get More Comments?2010-07-02T12:20:22-05:00

Let’s Take a Tour

Today we are going to take a little tour of my new site. I have to admit that Wordpress themes, while a little challenging at first, actually have some cool little features. First off you'll notice if you look above the title for this post that there are two tool bar thingys. I used to know a lot more technical terms for things but frankly

Let’s Take a Tour2009-10-08T13:00:41-05:00

Ch Ch Ch Changes

There could be a few more "ch-ch"s in there, I'm really not sure. I have made my move over to my own domain using Wordpress. I'm still fiddling with it so don't be surprised if it changes several times in the next few weeks. In fact it will probably change if you hit the refresh button. I've switched the theme so many times in the

Ch Ch Ch Changes2009-10-01T17:18:43-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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