Nancy Kerrigan’s Father Killed by Her Brother But It’s Still All About Nancy

I'm already going to hell for my post on the Pope and the blogging priests so I might as well continue down that road. If you missed it on the news this morning, Nancy Kerrigan's father died when his son put his hands around his neck (and presumably squeezed) when the father refused to let the son use the phone. Watch the video and listen

Nancy Kerrigan’s Father Killed by Her Brother But It’s Still All About Nancy2010-01-26T12:45:44-06:00

Cans For Comments

A fellow Minnesota blogger is holding a charity event over on her blog. For every comment Jessica's post receives between now and November 30th she will donate 2 oz of baby formula to the food bank or battered women's shelter. This is a great idea so please stop over at The Bormann Twins and leave a comment.

Cans For Comments2009-11-21T16:24:38-06:00

And the Winner is…

Katherine from Shoot Me Now. Katherine correctly guessed which movie I watched from start to finish a couple of weeks ago.  I had a little spontaneous contest in my post about movies not worth watching and Katherine won. Katherine wins one month of advertising on my blog!  That's a whopping $20 value. Congratulations Katherine.

And the Winner is…2009-10-19T10:39:12-05:00

House Cleaning Blog Style

Less than 48 hours to go! Is anyone else as excited as I am to have the new school year start? I will soon be able to blog on a much more regular basis. In anticipation of that I wanted to post a few reminders. If you aren't already following me on Twitter please do. I follow back everyone who follows me. You can also

House Cleaning Blog Style2009-09-06T10:51:00-05:00

I’m Ready

I'm ready for the new school year to begin. Not that I have gotten all the school supplies needed or new clothes for the kids. In fact, in that regard I am woefully unprepared. But, I am ready for them to get back to school. I am ready for them to get out of my house. Too bad they both aren't going off to college

I’m Ready2009-08-25T10:44:00-05:00

The Cabin

Our cabin in is western Wisconsin, right over the boarder north of the Twin Cities. We've had the cabin since the early 70's and have remodeled it a couple of times from a simple cabin to a house that is considerably larger and nicer than my own. Since my father died a few years ago we haven't gone up as much as we should so

The Cabin2009-05-27T11:49:00-05:00

Swine Flu Pandemic

Upon realization that the government does not yet have a monopoly on all forms of transportation the white house did what could only be called the most logical thing to do, they declared a Swine Flu pandemic which is spread through close human to human contact that can only result when people are in close, airtight quarters such as those found on airplanes, subways, trains

Swine Flu Pandemic2009-04-30T11:26:00-05:00

A Hypothetical

Here's a hypothetical question for you all. I'd really like to hear from the guys on this one because I am perplexed. There's this ex husband #2 (ok, so it isn't really hypothetical) he was laid off a couple of weeks ago and the prospects in this area are not very good. He has been given an opportunity through his union to go to Vegas

A Hypothetical2009-04-23T15:39:00-05:00

Moms at the Zoo

We went to the Como Zoo on Good Friday. Our plan was to go to the Minnesota Zoo and meet my friend and her two kids there. About a mile from the zoo I got a call on my cell phone from my friend. "It's a fucking zoo out here" she yelled over the screaming of her kids in the back seat. Apparently we weren't

Moms at the Zoo2009-04-13T09:42:00-05:00

Why the Big Three Automakers Need a Bailout

Because they build sucky, ugly ass cars. Except for my first car, which was a Ford, I have driven nothing but Chevrolets. I like to buy American, but the automakers don't make it easy to support them. I spent the last several days researching vehicles online. I spent yesterday at a dealership test driving several cars. I hate car shopping. I drove the Aveo, the

Why the Big Three Automakers Need a Bailout2009-03-29T08:19:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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