A fellow Minnesota blogger is holding a charity event over on her blog. For every comment Jessica’s post receives between now and November 30th she will donate 2 oz of baby formula to the food bank or battered women’s shelter. This is a great idea so please stop over at The Bormann Twins and leave a comment.
Thanks for sharing this. I’ve left my comment on her blog!
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..PhotoHunt: Birds =-.
what an awesome thing to do. I’ll be visiting.
.-= redkathy´s last blog ..Uplifted and Inspired – Foodbuzz & Foodie Blogroll Friends =-.
Got my comment in. I love that she thought to do that. Renews my faith in humanity.
What a wonderful idea! I will definitely pop over and leave a comment. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hey everyone, thanks for going over to Jessica’s blog and leaving comments. I stopped by there and noticed that many blogger buddies have clicked on the link to leave comments for this worthy cause. Thank you all so much and keep it up. Tell your friends and readers to stop by.
On my way over to Jessica’s now….
I’m going there now. What a wonderful thing to do.
What a great cause. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for spreading the word and supporting us!!! Really appreciate all of your comments, thank you so much!!!
Also, just love your story about the deli counter and the $20 bills being flushed down the toilet. I haven’t had that one happen yet, but sounds just like something my boys would do. Thanks AGAIN!!!! Hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
That’s a great and generous idea. I’m heading over now. May have to come up with something similar to challenge readers and myself. Havea Wonderful Thanksgiving!
I will head right over. I know our food bank is in sore need of donations as I suspect are most food banks across the country.
Thanks everyone, keep leaving comments. Last time I checked there were 51 comments that is 102 oz of formula. That would have fed my kid for about a day (he was a moose). We can do more.
Just realized I had my comments set so you had to have a registered ID, I changed it so you can easily leave comments now. Thanks again for all of your support!!
Thank you for letting us know about this. I have done my commenting.
I will definitely go and check it out. I love encouraging others to donate.