74 Days of Positivity

It's almost Halloween which means it's almost winter here in Minnesota so I've decided to have 74 days of positivity. If you're missing the obvious connection, that's okay. I'll explain. When the days start to get shorter I start to get this overwhelming urge to hibernate. I don't necessarily want to sleep, I just don't want to do anything. I tend to get down. I

74 Days of Positivity2016-10-19T13:32:24-05:00

Open All The Stores On Thanksgiving!!

I love Thanksgiving. Let me just get that out there first. I love Thanksgiving. It's the perfect holiday. No gifts, great food and wine, family and friends if you're lucky (and sometimes if you're not) and of course pie. It's just like 4th of July but without the mosquito bites, sunburns and fireworks. I love Thanksgiving, I really do. So don't hate me for saying what a

Open All The Stores On Thanksgiving!!2014-11-19T16:10:05-06:00

Christmas Lights In April Are Offensive

Who'd have thought that posting a picture of lit Christmas lights in April would set off such a heated argument? It snowed last night. It snowed quite a bit and frankly I'm pretty sick of the snow. We've had snow on the ground since Thanksgiving. I know this because my ex husband took me on a motorcycle ride on Thanksgiving and it started to snow

Christmas Lights In April Are Offensive2013-04-19T12:56:19-05:00

Dear God

Dear God, Please help me get through this holiday season without losing it. And by 'losing it' I mean abandoning my vehicle on I-94 in the middle of rush hour traffic and yelling at anyone who will listen as I scream "the holidays suck". I'm trying to be positive about the holiday season but they started earlier this year and already I am wiped out

Dear God2011-12-02T13:55:17-06:00

Fuck Christmas

Image via Wikipedia That's right, I said it. We're all thinking it in the back of our minds so why not say it? Thanksgiving was pretty much swallowed whole by Christmas. Even before we carved that turkey I got 687 emails about great deals on gifts for Cyber Monday and Black Friday. Not one of them was enough of a deal to make me sell

Fuck Christmas2010-12-01T12:25:22-06:00

That’s Why!

Image via Wikipedia I am one of those parents who say Because I said so, I say it a lot. I say it more than I thought I ever would which is a lot because when I was young I promised myself that I would never be one of those mothers who said it. Of course I was stupid and childless at the time. I

That’s Why!2010-11-22T09:13:05-06:00

Thanksgiving Recap

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I had a comedy of errors for mine and even took a picture for you. My son loves watching the food channels and announced that he wanted to brine the turkey this year. He also wanted to deep fry it but that wasn't something I was willing to do nor  let him try on his own. We also

Thanksgiving Recap2009-11-30T09:53:38-06:00

Dads Are Like….

Dogs. That is what the daughter told me last night. "Why are they like dogs, honey?" "Because they eat, sleep, and poop" Hmmm. First of all my daughter loves her dog Stanley more than anything else in the world. I am on equal footing with regards to my daughters love and the dog. The daughter also loves her father, not as much as Stanley or

Dads Are Like….2009-11-24T12:20:53-06:00

Smack Down

Today is Kick a Ginger Day. Did anyone else get the memo? I think I am staying inside. I've been kicked enough recently. Yesterday was my daughter's school's annual Thanksgiving lunch for parents and students. I missed the memo on this as it was sent home while my daughter was home with H1N1. I might have actually gotten the note but I rarely read them.

Smack Down2009-11-20T11:19:46-06:00

Halloween is Coming

You wouldn't know it by looking outside, it really looks like Christmas or at least Thanksgiving but Halloween is just around the corner. I'm one of those moms who waits until the last minute, when there are no good costumes left, to buy my kid their costume. This is one of the many reasons I never get nominated for Mother of the Year. This year

Halloween is Coming2009-10-13T06:48:22-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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