Rethinking Motherhood

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the humidity. Maybe it's just this. These are not my dishes. The sink was empty, I swear, five minutes ago when I unloaded the dishwasher. I don't know what it is but I have been rethinking this whole motherhood thing. When I got myself into this mess I really thought it was going to be a lot of fun,

Rethinking Motherhood2010-08-10T19:55:20-05:00

Drum Solos and Orgasms

Cover of Love to Love You Baby There are trends that come and go in the music business, the Auto-Tune is an extremely popular trend these days. And it would be nice if some would give it a rest. I'd actually like to hear what your real voice sounds like. But this post isn't about that. No, this post is about songs with great drum

Drum Solos and Orgasms2010-07-15T12:18:27-05:00

Top Five Best Father’s Day Gifts…Ever.

Image via Wikipedia Last month I wrote a post about the worst Mother's Day gifts ever. I thought it only fair that I do the same thing with Father's Day but after talking to a few dads I realized I couldn't come up with five bad Father's Day gifts. It would seem that dads are happy with just about any gift you give them. They

Top Five Best Father’s Day Gifts…Ever.2010-06-16T08:46:31-05:00

Get Ready For Summer

Image via Wikipedia Summer officially begins in just a couple of weeks. If you are anything like me you aren't the least bit prepared. It's been unseasonably cold here for the past month, so much that I have been confused about which season is beginning and which is ending.  Just yesterday I pulled out my warm weather clothes.  We went from using the furnace to

Get Ready For Summer2010-05-18T14:05:21-05:00

Everybody Pees

That isn't quite as revolutionary as "Everybody Poops" but still, it is true. There isn't anything to be ashamed about when it comes to peeing, except if you call it urinating and then it's just weird. The reason I mention the whole pee thing is that the other day I was peeing. Let me back track for a second. My bathroom is above the water

Everybody Pees2010-04-29T15:52:38-05:00

I Hate My Kitchen

I have the worlds smallest kitchen. I don't know the dimensions but it's so small I can't fit a kitchen table in it. I used to have a huge kitchen with a magnificent island right in the middle of it. I had beautiful bar furniture tucked underneath the island so no one had to trip over the stools because they stuck out. I want my

I Hate My Kitchen2010-04-29T14:55:15-05:00

Kate Gosselin Has Another Book

Apparently Kate Gosselin has another book coming out, it's called I Just Want You To Know. Know what? What don't we know about this woman? It seems to me she puts out a book a year. Where the hell does she find the time to write? She has eight kids for crying out loud and a deadbeat ex husband. I have two kids and two

Kate Gosselin Has Another Book2010-04-14T11:07:23-05:00

I Am Such A Doofus

For the last six or so months my truck has not moved. It would only start if I gave it a jump. This was not a huge problem, I have a car that works just fine but the boy uses the truck. I bought the truck, a '96 Tahoe, in '98. It had 90,000 miles on it when I bought it but it's big ass

I Am Such A Doofus2010-04-07T10:26:53-05:00

Tooth Fairy Part 4

Image via Wikipedia There is this tree on the boulevard in front of my house. It is going to fall. The city doesn't think so but the general consensus in the neighborhood is that it will and when it does it will fall on my house. It has been ripping apart for the last couple of years and now the squirrels have made a home

Tooth Fairy Part 42010-03-06T10:12:48-06:00

The Winner of the Happy Goat Soap Giveaway is…

Frogmama! I am sure that living in Mulletville makes it difficult to find luxurious soaps such as Happy Goat Soap, and I suspect many of the residents of Mulletville could stand to use some rich goat's milk soap to smell just a little less mulletlike. Congratulations Frogmama. Thanks to everyone for entering! I am still carb free, or at least reduced. I have had fruits

The Winner of the Happy Goat Soap Giveaway is…2010-03-05T12:41:46-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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