- Image via Wikipedia
There is this tree on the boulevard in front of my house. It is going to fall. The city doesn’t think so but the general consensus in the neighborhood is that it will and when it does it will fall on my house. It has been ripping apart for the last couple of years and now the squirrels have made a home in the trunk. When the ground thaws and the leaves come out it will fall. This will be the fourth boulevard tree on this block that has fallen since I moved here three years ago. If it does fall it will not be the first time a tree has targeted me.
When my children were infants I played the game Imagine the Worst Possible Scenario. If you aren’t familiar with it, it goes something like this:
You bring your brand new baby home from the hospital and then you panic because even though you baby proofed the house with things like outlet plugs and doorknob doo hickeys that make it impossible for an adult to open a door, you haven’t secured the chandeliers. So what that they have been hanging from the ceiling for decades and have given no indication that they will suddenly fall? They are only held up there by a thin piece of wire and maybe some decorative metal. Now that you have this brand new baby you realize you are so much more likely to be robbed at gunpoint, tied up and tortured by bad guys. The cat must go because everyone knows that cats sneak into the crib in the middle of the night and suck the life out of babies, which really isn’t a problem because as a new parent you vigilantly watch your child sleep for the first year anyway. The dog will think the brand new baby is a chew toy so he must be kenneled. You can’t place your slumbering baby, carrier and all, on the table because it will topple over and kitchen counter tops are a no go too. The refrigerator could kick on and the vibration which resonates through the cabinets (even though no one can actually feel it) will push the baby and carrier off and onto the floor. The only safe place for the baby is in the car because you have stuck a Baby on Board decal onto your back window.
Admittedly it has been a while since I played this game. The new kid smell is long gone and I don’t worry about those kinds of things anymore.
Until my neighbor pointed out the tree. Now it is all I can think about.
When the tree hits it will hit my daughter’s bedroom. So daughter has been sleeping in my room for the last few nights.
It’s been one big slumber party.
Last night I let her watch TV before going to sleep. I did it because I didn’t want to stay up all night and that was her plan since she didn’t have school the next day. Usually she falls asleep by nine but not last night. TV was the only thing I could think of that would have at least prevented her from writing another book or paper macheing the dog.
While she was watching TV in my bed she started to play with her loose tooth, I was almost asleep when she announced that she had lost another tooth. Thankfully the tooth letting has gotten easier since the first one finally came out.
In my half awake state I told her to put it under the pillow. I figured the tooth fairy would have a much easier time of it since she was already so close. My plan was to wait for her to fall asleep and then take care of business. Guess who fell asleep first?
At 5am I sprung awake. Tooth Fairy!
I crept out of bed and went to my purse. I don’t usually carry much cash but I had a few ones and a five. I grabbed a bill and shoved it under the pillow. I searched for the tooth but couldn’t find it. It occurred to me that maybe she didn’t lose a tooth, I hadn’t actually seen the tooth since it was dark and I was half asleep. Maybe she was testing the tooth fairy. My son had done this, he lost a tooth, didn’t tell anyone and the tooth fairy didn’t come. This was actually very handy since I didn’t have to pretend anymore.
I searched for the tooth one more time, considered taking the bill back but decided not to risk it. I got up, got a cup of coffee and went into the living room.
Daughter woke up an hour later and came into the living room. She was pissed off.
“The tooth fairy didn’t leave anything” she said.
“Oh yes she did” I said as I stomped into the bedroom to investigate the situation.
I looked under the pillow, found the missing tooth, pocketed it but didn’t see the bill I left.
I started throwing pillows all over the place in search of the money. I know I left a dollar. I couldn’t have dreamed it.
I lift up the pillow that makes up the headboard. A left over body pillow from when I was pregnant. It was under there thankfully. However, in my half sleep state I had grabbed a five and not a one, out of my purse.
For a brief moment I considered making the switch except my purse was in the other room and daughter had just grabbed the five.
This just raises the bar for the next tooth.
When the tree comes down and the city is forced to replace my roof, I am adding the extra $4 on to the tab.
Related articles by Zemanta
- The Tooth Fairy Makes a Visit (lauramaly.wordpress.com)
- Catch the Tooth Fairy In th Act (budgetnomad.blogspot.com)
- How to Get Kids to Sleep in Their Own Beds (abcnews.go.com)
Our tooth fairy is always drunk. Explains a lot.
.-= The Mother´s last blog ..Sacerdotal Medicine =-.
I was wondering there for a minute how the tooth and tree came together. Very clever title. I can’t believe the city won’t come and take care of the tree. As far as the tooth fairy goes, it’s at least $5 now, when you consider inflation and everything. ……….Just saying 🙂
.-= Man Over Board´s last blog ..If You Give At The Office, Wear Clean Underwear =-.
heh. drunk tooth fairy.
You could always call it an advance on the next 4 teeth…heh
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Oh how I miss those fun-filled days (nights) of pretending to be someone that doesn’t exist in order to preserve the charade! Was so glad when my son proclaimed, at his wise age of 8, that there is no such thing as Santa so I can stop acting now.
Now I can’t understand my niece continuing the charade when her 9 year old knows the truth, but keeps playing the game so as not to upset mommy. Now that’s too funny! 😀
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Progress is Exhiliarating =-.
Mother: Ha! So did you leave wine corks and bottle caps?
MOB: It can’t be five. What happened to pocket change?
Pricilla: That is exactly what I will do.
Lisa: My daughter has been told by the neighbor girl who is a little older, that it’s all a ruse. She isn’t willing to give it up yet. And she wants the money.
My youngest grandson is 6 and still thinks the tooth fairy is for real and when he visits us after loosing his tooth at home, we have him take a stop here too…and he thinks it’s normal. And the tree I agree I’d be having nightmares too.
Hope it’s down soon..
Dorothy from grammology
.-= Dorothy Stahlnecker´s last blog ..A kidnapping, a sensless killing: the System fails us again =-.
I love this post because I can totally relate. I was obsessive about things hurting my kids…we finally had this huge tree in our backyard cut down as it was righ at our kids bedrooms and the wind gets up during hurricane season. And the toothfairy…my half sleep state screw up was how my son (who was testing me!) found out that I was the toothfairy… he said he figured as the one that came to our house was a lot cheaper than the one that visited his friend!!!!
.-= SuziCate´s last blog ..Sinful Cyber Schemes =-.
ok, a few things:
first, squirrels are stupid and evil and if the tree falls over you can probably sue them for failing to maintain their property
also, aim a laser motion detector at the tree trunk, then the alarm will alert you when its falling over so you have time to hide behind another human
also, no reason to kennel the mutt, we are teachable. yes, yes, yes on getting rid of the evil breath-of-life-sucking cat! you know after they steal it they sell that babys breath to flower shops and use the money to buy sardines and rolling papers
lastly, can i have your address please? going to collect some teeth to send to you, your exchange rate is pretty good
.-= Nooter´s last blog ..Well, This Should Go Swimmingly =-.
I always gave $5 a tooth. I was trying to raise the bar. Hell I only got a quarter. pfffffft. I told her to tell her friends so they’d tell their parents that Laurens tooth fairy gave $5 per tooth. Ha! I pissed off parents all over lol.
And they are really gonna let the tree fall?? Cant you go to the media or something?
.-= peedee´s last blog ..I hate your big dumb combat boots =-.
Oh I love it! What we won’t do (and sometimes almost forget to do) for our kids….and you did it so generously! Better get the city in there for that tree…that’s just ridiculous.
.-= Tina´s last blog ..The InStep Fire Truck Pedal Car =-.
Dorothy: You have a lucky grandson.
SuziCate: I don’t feel so foolish and obsessive if you had a tree cut down for the same reason, of course we don’t get hurricanes here.
Nooter: I am in complete agreement with you about the squirrels. They are evil little fuckers that need to be shot and pissed on. Strong feelings yes, but they have ruined my yard. The lady who lived here before me gave them (yes GAVE them ) peanuts because she was lonely and thought they were cute. The damn squirrels are still digging up peanuts three years later. Luckily the cat takes care of them. The mutt actually did think the baby was a chew toy. He grabbed at the blanket that was covering him, under the seatbelt of the car seat which he was sleeping in on top of the coffee table. I got up to go to the bathroom for 30 seconds and came back to find the baby in the car seat upside down on the floor, dog with blanket in his mouth looking really stupid and not so innocent. The baby was fine but ramped up my fears a little bit.
Peedee: When I first started to lose teeth I got a dime. I actually asked my father to tell the tooth fairy I needed a raise, up to a quarter. Of course you could buy stuff for a quarter back then and make a phone call for a dime.
They sent some tree doctor out to look at it, said the budget had been cut drastically. I need a new roof and new siding so I am going to let it play out.
Tina: Oops, I missed you. Yeah, parents do silly things for their kids. Peer pressure you know.
Hey Jen, any time you want to get rid of some Fiesta, let me know, promise I won’t tell your dad Lol!
I use all kinds of jewelry in crafts and for repairs, I sometimes will use something from one piece to repair another. Anything you want to get rid of, let me know. I’d be happy to pay the shipping cost, especially if there is some Fiesta in the package 😉
.-= Menopausal New Mom´s last blog ..Free For The Taking! =-.
Redhead–You are a clever lady, as Glenn said.
As soon as you got to the bills in the purse–$1’s or $5, I thinkin which one did she give her? Either way, all I got was at the most a quarter!
You are way-way-way, to much to handle. Keep us ‘posted’ on the tree though. I have my own ‘tree story’, no teeth involved. Say I wait a while–would it be ok to tell mine? Without pimpin off you?
.-= Don E. Chute´s last blog ..FEDERALIST FRIDAY 3.5.2K10 =-.
I love nights when the kids have lost a tooth, it’s one of the only times I can get them to go to sleep early. If I were you I would start a letter campaign and harass those morons until they do something about the tree, that’s really scary. I can’t imaging being in my own home and being scared like that all the time.
.-= Sheila Sultani´s last blog ..Godhatesfags.com – What A Bunch of Dumbass Morons!!! =-.
Beware! I hear $20 is the going rate for wisdom teeth..save up! Seriously though, I hope a tree doesn’t fall on yall.
Menomom: I’ll send you an email. We’ll talk.
Sheila: The thing is I really need a new roof and the siding that is on the house is absolutely hideous. If the city doesn’t want to spend the money to take down a tree then they can spend it on my new roof and siding.
Nicole: You have got to be kidding me! By the time they come out kids don’t/can’t believe in the tooth fairy anymore. I had mine pulled and I was lucky I didn’t have to pay for it. I hardly expected my parents to cough up another $80 for “losing” them.
Five frickin’ bucks! I used to get a NICKEL! But of course, I’m as old as dirt!
.-= Dave DeWall´s last blog ..The Sainted Patient Wife in Vegas! =-.
lol! we have tooth fairy issues im my house too! one time i forgot and had to tell my daughter that the tooth fairy must have been SO busy because tons of kids lost their teeth that she must not have had time to stop at our house. she bought it! the tooth fairy stopped by the next night with a little note of apology. 🙂
now i’m at that pivotal point where my 10-yr old daughter thinks it me, but i vehemently deny that (read: lie to my child!) because she will totally blow it for my 7-yr old son who still totally believes. *sigh* parenthood!
anyway, if enough of you contact the township, won’t they come cut that damn tree down?
.-= love2eatinpa´s last blog ..Dessert Buffet Report Card =-.
Well, at least your daughter didn’t get a Turbo Snake under her pillow like mine did! Mine always got more than a dollar – but I sure remember when i got a quarter and was HAPPY about it!!!
We have a tree in the backyard that scares me to death too. And like yours, it will hit my daughter’s room or the boys’ room. Fortunately, the boys often crash on whatever couch is near and my daughter sleeps in my room. But when hurricanes hit we go to Grandma’s.
Remember the tree that came down in my back yard recently? It took out a swing set, a tree house, a play set and a trampoline. We are STILL cleaning up the tree from the back yard. If the wind had been blowing a different way it literally would have hit the kitchen I was in at the time. Trees scare the crap out of me when the wind is blowing!
We only had a $10 when my son lost his first tooth. I look at those little loose wiggly things and see dollar signs now. It sucks.
Hey Jen! Can you send the tooth fairy over here. I need some new top dentures. I’ll put the old ones under my pillow. Better get about five grand for them.
Let the city pay. They don’t want to listen. They do things like that. Save a couple of hundred that costs thousands.
Have a good weekend.
.-= Grampy´s last blog ..An Economy Fix =-.
What? The Tooth Fairy isn’t real? Uh oh. I guess you’re going to try to tell me that Hulk Hogan faked his wrestling moves. (MMM pulls the covers back over her head in disbelief.)
.-= MadMadMargo´s last blog ..Sunday =-.
I hope the tree doesn’t fall at all. Falling trees scare the hell out of me. You have upped the ante for parents everywhere with your tooth fairy generosity. That’s not right Jen. (I did the same thing, only because I only had a $10 and no change around.) Found my son trying to pull a tooth with a string and a doorknob. It was a permanent tooth. Never mind. He wasn’t even close.
Cats do suck the breath out of babies. It’s a fact. (Or it’s fiction, one or the other.) My son put our cat in a dresser drawer when he was two (he, my son, not the cat, Elvis), and we didn’t find him for two days. Maybe I should have kept the cat and gotten rid of the baby.
Harry, my dog, thinks squirrels are “Al Quada” and tries to hunt and kill them. Once he succeeded and brought the trophy in and lay it on the floor in front of me. Oh Good Dog! NOT. I had to get a neighbor man to come and dispose of it since I couldn’t touch a dead squirrel. Harry (and Honey) were horrified and furious that I got rid of their new plaything. Ugh!
Great post, Jen. As per usual!
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..If It Doesn’t Scare The Horses =-.
We only got a quarter when I was a kid. You know, for a fiver, I might consider knocking out a couple of my own teeth. Okay, maybe not…
I don’t have any kids of my own, but I get a lot of the same worrisome ideas about my two furbabies. They are Chihuahuas and only weigh 5 lbs, so it’s easy to think of them as babies!
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Stairway to Heaven? =-.
OMG! That was scary reading that because you pegged it exactly. The worse case scenario game. Shit!! I am the worst. Luckily my wife balances me out.
I also have tree nightmares and it’s also my daughter’s bedroom that is targeted. Weird! I didn’t realize how much my paranoia would surface when I had kids! 🙂
Tooth Fairy: I know I’m going to fall asleep and forget the cash one of these days. I hope they’re a lot older when I do.
.-= One of The Guys´s last blog ..Three Guys on Cheating =-.
It could be tomorrow. It could be in 5 years. That would drive me crazy living with that uncertainty. And probably, like earthquakes, it will always happen in the middle of the night. But don;’t worry about it…. the city isn’t apparently.
Kids, yeah the best thing that ever happens to us, if you don’t the fact that you will worry about them until your dying day.
.-= Will´s last blog ..Did You Know? Quake Shortened Day Length =-.
Dave: I got a quarter.
love2eatinpa: The city was out here and said they would get to it…eventually, issues with the budget and all. It’s gonna cost more when it falls on my house. They did send a tree doc out but he wasn’t too clear about the whole thing.
Katherine: The turbo snake kills me! Maybe I’ll leave a Chia Pet next tooth. I can see why trees scare you. I’d cut them all down if I were you.
Tracie: $10! Couldn’t you have left an IOU or said it was for the uppers?
Grampy: Sorry, dentures are way out of my budget.
Margo: I don’t know about Hulk but I do know about Jesse Venture, he faked everything, even his governorship.
Linda: Send Harry over here, he will do a much better job than Stanley who doesn’t know what to make of squirrels. So the kid was in the drawer for two days? Didn’t you notice he wasn’t around? Bet you finally got a nap.
Surfie: I worry about the dog but not the cat. She can take care of herself. The dog, not so much. He can’t even get out of a room when the door is half open. I’m sure your dogs are a lot more self reliant than my Stanley. But I would worry about them too, they are kids too.
One of the Guys: I had no idea I would become so obsessive when I had kids. Worry all the time. Have you ever done this: You are driving to the grocery store or some place near home, the kids are home alone, you see a fire truck or ambulance race towards the direction of your house. If you are like me you turn the car around to make sure it isn’t going to your house. I need help.
Will: You are right it could be at any time and I agree that it will happen at night. My mother always warned me that I would worry about my kids, I didn’t understand it because I knew she had no reason to worry about me (yeah, right). I’d much rather have the uncertainty of a tree, that at least I can do something about, than live in an earthquake zone. I’d have to be on tranquilizers or something.
That sounds familiar – not with the tree. But with the tooth. I have fallen asleep & totally forgotten to put the money under the pillow. One time I didn’t even make it in the morning. And the tooth fairy had to come the next night & left a note saying she was sorry but sometimes she gets very busy to visit everyone in one night.
.-= Sue´s last blog ..Aloha Friday & Friday Follow =-.
Maybe you can sue the town if the tree falls on your house (you did warn them). While it won’t help if something happens to one of the kids, if just the house is damaged, maybe you can get it repaired better than it was.
Tagged you on my blog. Come and pick it up, Jen!
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..If It Doesn’t Scare The Horses =-.
Good Lord–I’m gonna have to be careful I don’t get the bends, when I surface from way down here!
The Tree Dammit–The Tree–How is the TREE!?
Peace, Love, and Understanding–Elvis Costello
.-= Don E. Chute´s last blog ..DON E’s —TRIP TO THE HEALTH CLINIC =-.
You need to explain to children that the Toothfairy’s ~Magic~ dissappears if she is “seen”. Explore all my lore and learn much more by flying over to my Toothfairycyberspace.
P.S. A neat tip is to put the lost tooth in a special tooth fairy pillow, place it next to the bed and not under child’s hear. It makes the exchange so much easier!!
Hope this helps? *Sprinkels of fairy dust your way*
Good-bye, gotta ~Fly~
The Tooth fairy Tweets @toothfairycyber
You need to explain to children that the Toothfairy’s ~Magic~ dissappears if she is “seen”. Explore all my lore and learn much more by flying over to my Toothfairycyberspace.
P.S. A neat tip is to put the lost tooth in a special tooth fairy pillow, place it next to the bed and not under child’s head. It makes the exchange so much easier!!
Hope this helps? *Sprinkles of fairy dust your way*
Good-bye, gotta ~Fly~
The Tooth fairy Tweets @toothfairycyber
I can’t believe they won’t do something about a tree that’s going to fall. Can they really want litigation? They have to know they’re liable, right? That boggles the mind.
Ah, tooth-fairy troubles. Happens to all of us! =]
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!
.-= Spot´s last blog ..I’m not lazy, I’m radical =-.
You are too funny! Great times to remember and cherish, they grow up so quickly.
Check out my blog entry about tooth brushing @ my website, “do you manual or power brush your teeth?”
Cheers to raising health kids, body, mind and spirit!
Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse
I don’t suppose you could get away with saying the five was an advance for the next few teeth? Good luck with the tree!
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..The Late Night Adventures of Tilly, the One-Eyed Cat =-.
I know the game Imagine the Worst Possible Scenario very well. I would be totally obsessing about that tree too!
I really miss the days of playing the role of Tooth Fairy! [But not enough to have another baby!] Your daughter SCORED with that Five Spot!
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently™ – My Week In Review [Part Five] =-.
That whole tree things sounds scary. Tell her that the tooth fairy didn’t have any change so not to expect that for every tooth 🙂
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Dislocations? =-.
At least the tooth fair remembered to come! Son lost a tooth and the tooth fairy must have been VERY busy that night cause she forgot to stop at our house.
.-= AmyLK´s last blog ..Son’s Goal =-.
I am by far the worst tooth fairy ever. I would say (when I forgot about the tooth the next morning) that the tooth fairy probably didn’t see the tooth, or my favorite-you lost your tooth too late in the evening to be put on the list. But $5 is pretty nice for one tooth! LOL!
Btw: Thanks for stopping by.
hi – saw & RT’d this for you from TwitterMoms…and couldn’t resist taking a read :-)! I fall asleep first ALL THE TIME!! Could the dollar end up on the floor to be discovered when she gets back from school (er…because that worked at MY household…!!).
Great post!
.-= Swati Bharteey´s last blog ..The Relationship – Chapter 3 (a very short story) =-.
Oh man, I had to leave a five last week because it was all I had. So not only is the bar raised, it’s raised for a kid who obviously no longer believes and just pretends he does so he can get money.
Also, made the mistake of giving the oldest a toy and cash for his first tooth and somehow the next one remembers that – how in the heck am I going to remember to always keep a spare toy around?
This is funny because our son just lost a tooth so we placed his shiney new quarter under his pillow but we forgot to take his tooth. So now he thinks that his tooth wasn’t good enough for the tooth ferry to take!!! We have to come up with a solution 🙂
Wow, lol.
My tooth fairy happens to be the dentist, and rest assured he gets a LOT more than a dollar for every tooth I donate for the cause. :-p There's something grossly wrong for me leaving a tooth AND paying for the honor. Kids have it good, I tell ya.
We aren't familiar with the Worst Case Scenario game. Our tooth fairy used to bring Susan B. Anthony dollars, and the girls still have every single one the tooth fairy brought! They're 23 and 27 now!
If you are the one who snoring, I have some good pillow information. You can see details at http://www.antisnorepillow.us/
Your daughter definitely had one of the best deals from the tooth fairy. Five dollars is really big for just one tooth.
My daughter also lost a tooth last month. We usually visit her dentist (Bartlett and other areas) whenever she needs to have her tooth extracted. It started when she was just 3 years old. After the dental visit she would look forward to placing the extracted tooth underneath her pillow. Then she would write a short letter to the tooth fairy. She was never disappointed though because she always finds a coin the morning after.
I really hope that the tree would be removed the soonest possible time. Good luck!
[…] have a maple tree in it. I also have two lindens on the boulevard in front of my house. One of them might be falling sometime soon but that still leaves very little room for a big ass oak tree. My back yard is only slightly […]
nice job.I really hope that the tree would be removed the soonest possible time. Good luck!Dentists in Woodstock