Dads Are Like….

Dogs. That is what the daughter told me last night. "Why are they like dogs, honey?" "Because they eat, sleep, and poop" Hmmm. First of all my daughter loves her dog Stanley more than anything else in the world. I am on equal footing with regards to my daughters love and the dog. The daughter also loves her father, not as much as Stanley or

Dads Are Like….2009-11-24T12:20:53-06:00

I am a Horrible Mother

I really am, someone needs to call social services on me. I may not be as bad as the woman who made make-shift straight jackets out of pajama tops but only because I didn't think of it when they were little and now they are too big for me to wrestle. Today marks the 40 anniversary of Sesame Street. I remember watching Sesame Street when

I am a Horrible Mother2009-11-10T09:04:44-06:00

Why We Really Need Health Care Reform

My daughter is feeling much better. Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes. She does indeed have the H1N1 virus though no one tested her, they just ruled out everything else. She does not have strep. Daughter started feeling kinda crappy Sunday night, no temp but she wasn't her normal self. This was not a bad thing at first since she sat still for

Why We Really Need Health Care Reform2009-10-23T06:24:04-05:00

I have a cold

I have had the worst cold since Wednesday. Thank goodness Michael Jackson passed away or I would have had nothing to look at on the TV for the last three days. I can't believe how much the world came to a stop when he died. The war in Iraq seems to have ended, Democrats and Republicans stopped complaining about one another, The North Koreans seem

I have a cold2009-06-27T13:11:00-05:00

Truth in Dating

Image via Wikipedia As I sit here on the eve of Valentines Day, that be all and end all to hopeless romantics, I am watching romantic tear jerkers on TV. So far I have cried to the ending of Armageddon and now I am watching Love Actually. I will cry at the end of this movie when they show the last scene at Heathrow airport.

Truth in Dating2009-02-13T20:03:00-06:00

Right, Left and Center or Why I’m Not Watching Blues Clues

As my daughter and I were heading out to school yesterday, daughter asked if we could go on a bike ride before she was dropped off at school. I said "Not now but at the end of the day". "The end of today?" She asked. "Yes" I said. She immediately started to cry. This was not the I-want-what-I-want-now cry but a fearful, scared cry. I

Right, Left and Center or Why I’m Not Watching Blues Clues2008-04-15T12:29:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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