Week 3 of the New Year: How’s that diet working for you?

Like half the population (I have no statistics to support that claim) I started a lifestyle change on January 1st of this year. It was either radically change my diet or look into a career in Sumo Wrestling or gain a few more pounds and get lap band surgery (People actually do this! Women mostly, have been gaining weight so they can have weight loss

Week 3 of the New Year: How’s that diet working for you?2012-01-16T11:53:41-06:00

The Winner of the Happy Goat Soap Giveaway is…

Frogmama! I am sure that living in Mulletville makes it difficult to find luxurious soaps such as Happy Goat Soap, and I suspect many of the residents of Mulletville could stand to use some rich goat's milk soap to smell just a little less mulletlike. Congratulations Frogmama. Thanks to everyone for entering! I am still carb free, or at least reduced. I have had fruits

The Winner of the Happy Goat Soap Giveaway is…2010-03-05T12:41:46-06:00

Talk Dirty To Me

Do you talk dirty to your spouse, significant other or FWB (friend with benefits)? Is it something you both like to do or is one of you more into it? I ask because when not expected it can throw the whole thing. Years ago I was with this guy, a friend I had known for decades. A platonic friendship mainly because we were

Talk Dirty To Me2010-03-02T11:43:40-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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