Pluggin’ My Peeps

I won a contest over at The Maaaaa of Pricilla! I won three bars of the most wonderful soap on earth. Happy Goats Soap is so wonderful I can't even come up with words to describe how great it is but take my word for it. Patty has a few new soaps, one of which is called Monkey Farts and that is the one I

Pluggin’ My Peeps2010-01-15T11:04:07-06:00

Inappropriate Behavior

Since the school season started my daughter has come home each day announcing that she hates school. She has always hated school just like her brother did and pretty much like I did. So this news that she reports each day after school is not news to me and I pretty much ignore it. She wants to be home schooled but I don't have the

Inappropriate Behavior2010-01-11T19:53:59-06:00

The Holiday Treats Are Ready

I have spent the whole weekend baking. I have been so busy baking that I was only able to listen to Armageddon on the TV. Except when I was rolling out the Bourbon Balls, I could do that in front of the television. I seriously need to get a life. I can recite almost all the dialog for that movie. It's pathetic really. My son

The Holiday Treats Are Ready2009-12-06T14:37:46-06:00

Meet the Family

Some of you may have noticed that I rarely have pictures on my blog. I take pictures and I even upload them to my computer however I have yet to organize them and label them with names and dates (I know, big surprise). After two years of writing about them I thought it might be nice if you had some faces to put to the

Meet the Family2009-12-01T22:36:04-06:00

Thanksgiving Recap

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I had a comedy of errors for mine and even took a picture for you. My son loves watching the food channels and announced that he wanted to brine the turkey this year. He also wanted to deep fry it but that wasn't something I was willing to do nor  let him try on his own. We also

Thanksgiving Recap2009-11-30T09:53:38-06:00

There are no Stupid Questions…Really?

That's a big lie. I have been stuck in the house with two sick kids for the past three weeks. As you know I haven't been feeling too good myself. Which might be the reason that, indeed, I find there are a lot of stupid questions. What's your favorite holiday? What's your favorite thing to do? What day is it? When will it be Halloween?

There are no Stupid Questions…Really?2009-11-03T18:22:19-06:00

Why We Really Need Health Care Reform

My daughter is feeling much better. Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes. She does indeed have the H1N1 virus though no one tested her, they just ruled out everything else. She does not have strep. Daughter started feeling kinda crappy Sunday night, no temp but she wasn't her normal self. This was not a bad thing at first since she sat still for

Why We Really Need Health Care Reform2009-10-23T06:24:04-05:00

Too Much TV

I've been watching a lot of tv lately. I blame this solely on Michael Jackson. I don't usually watch much tv but I am unable to pull myself away from the tv when bad things happen. I love train wrecks, I am a rubber necker. I cause those back up on the highway when there is an accident. I can't help but watch. I want

Too Much TV2009-07-09T08:32:00-05:00

When Pigs Fly

The other night as I was working on my post about removal companies in the UK, I was startled to hear my daughter crying, loudly. She had been in bed for about a half hour so the house was quiet and I thought she was asleep. It was a real cry, not the kind of cry that means I don't want to go to bed

When Pigs Fly2009-05-07T08:11:00-05:00

A Watched Pot

I got nothing for you. I know it's pretty lame to post when I have nothing but I can't stand to see that my last post was last Thursday. It just really drives me crazy. I was laid off on Thursday so I should have plenty to write about but I just don't. I've been trying to get my grass to grow, the stuff on

A Watched Pot2009-05-04T09:30:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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