Humor Bloggers Rock

Make video montages at The Hussy Housewife has made this fabulous video of all, okay most, of the Humor Bloggers from Humor Bloggers dot com. I'm sure I can handle the celebrity just fine. When I starred, okay I didn't actually star, in a commercial for the United Way or some other equally important group while I was a Blue Bird, I didn't let

Humor Bloggers Rock2009-03-10T15:14:00-05:00

The Facts of Middle Aging

Why isn't there a book on middle aging? There is a book to explain to us where we come from, what happens during puberty, all sorts of books on when we start having sex, books about what to expect when we are expecting and books about what to expect before we die. Nothing in the middle. There is about 30 to 50 years of uncovered

The Facts of Middle Aging2009-02-10T07:45:00-06:00

Red Flags

Image via Wikipedia I have known for a while now that any new information I take in, bumps out old information. There is only so much space for useless knowledge and after the memory card is full the brain starts to delete stuff. I can still play Name That Tune with any pop song from 1978 to 1984. That knowledge is still locked in there

Red Flags2009-01-27T19:54:00-06:00

25 things about me

I have been tagged with this one many times so here it is for your enjoyment. I won't tag anyone with it but please feel free to do it yourself and let me know when you do. I have two fantastic kids. They drive me up the wall most of the time but they are good kids and I am extremely proud of who they

25 things about me2009-01-09T19:33:00-06:00

I’m addicted to diet coke

I didn't realize this until I ran out of it. I haven't had a diet coke in over 24 hours and I have a massive headache and I am really tired. I have tried coffee to perk me up but that just gets me too jittery. This sucks. I could run to the store to buy some but frankly I want to know how long

I’m addicted to diet coke2008-12-17T16:00:00-06:00

We have to have another talk

I registered my five year old for kindergarten on Friday. When we were finished with the process the person who performed the intake gave my daughter a backpack filled with school supplies and other trinkets. My daughter was very pleased with her new backpack. In this backpack was a pair of safety scissors. Blunt tip but still sharp. I have talked with my daughter many

We have to have another talk2008-07-28T20:07:00-05:00

My Little Rebel

My son and all of his friends went to a Screaming Mechanical Brain concert this past weekend. There were 7 other bands playing at this rec center venue. It was my job to drive the boys to the concert and my son's dad was going to pick them up. Earlier that day my son's step mom colored son's hair for the event. A month ago

My Little Rebel2008-06-06T07:01:00-05:00

Mind Your Own Business

I have been thinking about this post for a while and should post it on my parentingmymom blog but I am consolidating my blogs so I'll just post it here. It's a rant anyway. If you read that blog you know my mother is in group home for the mentally challenged. I won't go into the details but you can read about here. Mom has

Mind Your Own Business2008-05-26T18:48:00-05:00


We had a bad night, or early morning I suppose. My daughter fell out of bed at 1am. This is the second time in recent memory that she has fallen out of bed. I woke immediately and ran to her room where she was sitting on the floor crying. I swear the horse pushed her out of bed. Me: "What's wrong, did you bump your


It’s All Relative

So I went to the endodontist today. Like a dentist but much worse. I had Jack Nicholson playing in my mind through the visit. I needed some work done on my teeth above the gum line. Just sit back for a moment and ponder how they might do that. The doctor, who has a sizable tremor to his hands, tells me he is going to

It’s All Relative2008-04-22T13:36:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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