Life Isn’t Fair

My mom was fond of saying "life isn't fair" every time I bitched about doing something for her that she should have been doing herself. I'd grumble because I felt sorry for myself because I had to do things like help my mom get dressed each morning, or bathe her before school three times a week, or make her Manhattans each evening if my dad

Life Isn’t Fair2023-09-27T14:54:47-05:00

Fix the Damn Potholes!!

The snow has been gone for a few weeks. Okay, it's been gone for a few weeks if you don't count the few inches we got last weekend after we had three days of near 90°F weather. Typical Minnesota spring, the sky is not falling, don't panic. I've seen it snow here in May. The weather is weird here, which is why we have such

Fix the Damn Potholes!!2023-04-20T14:04:33-05:00

What’s the End Game?

There was no Red Wave, let alone a Red Tsunami. Maybe a red trickle, but it's still too early to count. Looks like the Republicans will have a slight majority in the house, the senate is still up for grabs. I was expecting a Red Wave. Mostly because everyone I know is so sick and tired of the crime that is everywhere these days. I

What’s the End Game?2022-11-10T19:24:40-06:00

Should Whoopi Have Been Suspended?

Whoopi has been suspended for two weeks. This past Monday the women on The View were discussing the Tennessee school district's decision to pull the graphic novel Maus from the 8th grade curriculum. The school board objected to eight curse words and nude imagery of a woman. The women of The View had to weigh in on this book banning (spoiler - it is not banned)

Should Whoopi Have Been Suspended?2022-02-02T16:28:42-06:00


Recently I was unfriended. Not by one person, not even two people, but by three. The first person who unfriended me accused me of idiotic thinking. The second person thought the first person's response to disagreeing with me was rational and simply followed suit. The third person just slunk away. I'm sure this is not the first time I have been unfriended, but no one


Ending 2021 on a Solid Foundation

There is a well known quote by J. K Rowling about building her foundation on rock bottom. I'm not at rock bottom, though I believe I have been where J.K was when she spoke these words: I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I still had a daughter who I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big

Ending 2021 on a Solid Foundation2021-12-31T13:52:37-06:00

Alpha, Delta, Omicron, Oh My!

I've had it with Covid 19. This has been going on for nearly two years now. I can recall at the tail end of 2019 reading an obscure article about a pneumonia in China that was not getting better with antibiotics. I took notice because my father had warned me every time I was prescribed an antibiotic to "be sure to take it all because

Alpha, Delta, Omicron, Oh My!2021-12-16T13:50:43-06:00

I’d Make Fun of California, but I’m in Minnesota and We’re Going to do the Same thing in November*

Last night the Governor of California survived the recall. The people of California want more homelessness, more public defecation, drug use, more taxes and more crime. They don't seem to be bothered by the hypocrisy exhibited by most leaders of the state. California is on fire in more ways than one. I'd make fun of California, but I live in Minnesota and we will do

I’d Make Fun of California, but I’m in Minnesota and We’re Going to do the Same thing in November*2021-09-15T12:27:56-05:00

Why I Don’t Unfriend You

I've about had it with social media. I spend more time scrolling on by - and not engaging - than ever before. This is not the first time I've ranted about unfriending people, and it probably won't be the last. I find myself only engaging on safe posts now. I will like pictures of your new puppy (I'll actually use the ♥ for new puppies),

Why I Don’t Unfriend You2022-01-09T18:51:28-06:00

No, it’s Not ‘A Culture of Consequences’, it’s Mob Rule – Mean Girls Style

Cancel culture has gone too far. I've had enough, I cannot sit idly by anymore and bite my tongue. This has got to stop. Woke culture, the woke mob, have gone too far. What was the proverbial straw? Now they want to cancel Grease. My beloved Grease - a movie I saw 26 times the summer it was released - sometimes two or three times

No, it’s Not ‘A Culture of Consequences’, it’s Mob Rule – Mean Girls Style2021-02-27T07:57:52-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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