Diet Coke Withdrawal

Diet Coke withdrawal is real. If someone tries to tell you that kicking the Diet Coke habit is all about caffeine withdrawal please kick them in the balls. I'm on day 8,394 without a Diet Coke, at least it feels that way. In reality I haven't had a Diet Coke in about a week and it sucks. It really sucks. I replaced the caffeine when

Diet Coke Withdrawal2016-01-12T22:28:27-06:00

Giving Up Diet Coke …. Again

I'm on day three of giving up Diet Coke, again. I've given up Diet Coke at least 4 times for longer than a month and each time I go back to it. Giving up smoking was easier than kicking the Diet Coke addiction. After three days without Diet Crack I am pretty sure I am dying. I have joint pain, my eyes feel like they

Giving Up Diet Coke …. Again2016-01-09T10:28:27-06:00

Whole30 Success Story!

I'm going to be a Whole30 Success Story -- in about 30 days. If you haven't heard of Whole30 don't feel bad, I just found out about recently and learned it's been a thing since 2009. Basically Whole30 is cutting out all processed foods for 30 days. You can eat meats, fruits and vegetables and that's about it. Which wouldn't be that bad if you

Whole30 Success Story!2015-04-21T18:09:32-05:00

Open All The Stores On Thanksgiving!!

I love Thanksgiving. Let me just get that out there first. I love Thanksgiving. It's the perfect holiday. No gifts, great food and wine, family and friends if you're lucky (and sometimes if you're not) and of course pie. It's just like 4th of July but without the mosquito bites, sunburns and fireworks. I love Thanksgiving, I really do. So don't hate me for saying what a

Open All The Stores On Thanksgiving!!2014-11-19T16:10:05-06:00

30 Days Without Wine and Chocolate: Day 2

It's been two days without wine and chocolate and so far it's not so bad. That's a lie. It is bad but not because I can't have wine or chocolate but because I have learned that I use wine and/or chocolate like I did cigarettes. I can handle the stresses of the day because I know at the end of the day I'm going to

30 Days Without Wine and Chocolate: Day 22014-02-19T09:20:24-06:00

30 Days Without Wine and Chocolate: Day 1*

It's been a whole day without wine and chocolate. I feel ok but it's winter outside and that makes me want to carb load. Yesterday was worse because I had to shovel 4 inches of wet snow (my neighbor was kind enough to do the front but I still had to do the back - I have awesome neighbors!) but it was the beginning of

30 Days Without Wine and Chocolate: Day 1*2014-02-18T10:33:16-06:00

Celebrate National Coffee Day with Gevalia K-Cups

National Coffee Day is this Sunday! If you have a Keurig (and if you don't you should really get one) you can celebrate this day with a cup of coffee that tastes like you got it at the corner coffee shop. Gevalia Coffee has released a revolutionary two-step single-serve café-style coffee beverages – made from real milk – to empower coffee lovers to enjoy a Cappuccino,

Celebrate National Coffee Day with Gevalia K-Cups2013-09-27T08:54:14-05:00

Shelf Safe Milk: Easy and Convenient – Tasty Too!

Even though I haven't written about out trip to the Badlands yet it would have been challenging to find healthy meals on the go, at a reasonable cost, if it hadn't been for shelf safe milk. I am participating in a Milk Unleashed review of shelf safe milk in an effort to get the word out about how safe, convenient and tasty shelf safe milk

Shelf Safe Milk: Easy and Convenient – Tasty Too!2013-08-06T15:51:26-05:00

Kicking the Diet Coke Addiction: Day One

It's been over 24 hours since I had my last Diet Coke. I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. I've had a low grade headache but so far I'm not as irritable as I thought I would be. I'm extremely tired but I think that may have more to do with the recent change to Daylight Saving Time. Why did I give up Diet

Kicking the Diet Coke Addiction: Day One2013-03-11T12:54:06-05:00

National Pancake Day and Free Pancakes at IHOP!

We're a waffle kind of family but that's only because my kitchen is so small there is no place to put a pancake griddle. A waffle iron is much smaller and easier to store. Not today, today we are going to get our Pancake on. Today is National Pancake Day and you can celebrate by going to IHOP and getting some free pancakes. IHOP has

National Pancake Day and Free Pancakes at IHOP!2012-02-28T07:29:31-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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