Let’s Do A Little Catching Up, Shall We?
Last time I wrote I was complaining because I couldn't
1700 Words – Day 1
I've tried this before, and I'm pretty sure I petered
Taking a Social Media Break
I had my first physical therapy session for my broken
There’s Never Been a Better Time to Launch Your Own Website
The Coronavirus lock down hit most of us without any
Friday Blog Challenge: Create a Best of Page
You've probably heard the old adage "You only get one
2019 Year in Review
It's the end of the year, the last day to
Why Has My Blog Traffic Dropped So Significantly
I can't be the only one whose blog traffic has
Rage Watching This Is Us
This Is Us is one of the few shows I
The Text that Broke the Camel’s Back
I started writing this post 4 hours ago and then