Why I Deleted My #MeToo Status Update

Unless you're living under a rock, you've seen the hastag #MeToo all over social media. Legend has it Alyssa Milano started the trend on Twitter (though it appears she got the idea from a friend of a friend on Facebook so it would seem someone else who isn't a celebrity actually started the trend...). The idea was that if all women/(people) respond to her tweet

Why I Deleted My #MeToo Status Update2017-10-17T17:05:41-05:00

On Trump and Golden Showers

Here are my thoughts on Trump and Golden Showers, but first I should mention I did not bother to read the Buzzfeed article, the dossier that was apparently handed over from John McCain to the FBI or maybe it was the CIA or possible the NSA, TSA, FCC, JCC or AARP, and I didn't see any of the press conference Donald Trump gave today, either. I

On Trump and Golden Showers2017-01-11T20:23:39-06:00

How to Incorporate Fifty Shades of Grey into Your Sex Life

If you’re among the hundreds of millions who have seen or read Fifty Shades of Grey, you’re probably left with one burning question: how do I get my sex life to look more like that? As Elite Daily reports, those living in NYC or LA can put their name on a (very long, we’re sure) list for a one-of-a-kind sexual experience straight out of the

How to Incorporate Fifty Shades of Grey into Your Sex Life2015-02-18T09:10:36-06:00

Are You Inspired?

Today we start a new feature here on Redhead Ranting. Once a month I will be reviewing a sex toy.  I have no idea what to call this monthly feature so if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section. Even though this is a product review of a sex toy I will try to keep it clean. If you are offended

Are You Inspired?2010-05-05T11:43:57-05:00

Talk Dirty To Me

Do you talk dirty to your spouse, significant other or FWB (friend with benefits)? Is it something you both like to do or is one of you more into it? I ask because when not expected it can throw the whole thing. Years ago I was with this guy, a friend I had known for decades. A platonic friendship mainly because we were

Talk Dirty To Me2010-03-02T11:43:40-06:00

Truth in Dating

Image via Wikipedia As I sit here on the eve of Valentines Day, that be all and end all to hopeless romantics, I am watching romantic tear jerkers on TV. So far I have cried to the ending of Armageddon and now I am watching Love Actually. I will cry at the end of this movie when they show the last scene at Heathrow airport.

Truth in Dating2009-02-13T20:03:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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