OK – so I see it did not go thru – sorry about that! Let’s try again!
Secret is out ! I’m an older Diva Mom :)) 57, married, 2 wonderful kids – son is 31 and daughter is 30, Website boutique is: http://www.olliemckays.com and Blog is: http://olliemckayschicboutique.blogspot.com/
.-= Nancy at the Chic Boutique´s last blog .. =-.
This comment might be a duplicate. Didn’t appear the first one took. That, or you have comment moderation turned on. Delete the dup!
.-= Junk Drawer Kathy´s last blog ..Taking It to a Whole New Level of Dumbassery =-.
They’re going into the spam folder. Drat!
Keep trying but write it out instead of a list. You don’t need to leave your URL I have comment luv and you add it to the info when commenting. I can’t speak today. The URLs are sending everything to spam.
Okay guys and gals, some of the comments are going into spam or are awaiting moderation because of the links. Continue to link your websites but if it doesn’t show up right away don’t panic, I just have to approve it.
28, Married for 5 years, no kids YET, but I do have two dogs that we treat like children (I know that can be sickening, but we really aren’t THAT bad), and I don’t have a website or blog….but I am a fellow redhead. 🙂
64, married (divorced thrice), 2 children, John 42 and Sheila 39, 6 grandchildren (4 girls and two boys) and what else what there? Annual income, not enough. Missionary is fine and I don’t swallow. Oh, yeah, website,
Here we go. 64, married, (divorced more than once), two children, John 42 and Sheila 39, 6 grandchildren 4 girls and 2 boys. Annual income, not enough. Missionary is fine and I don’t swallow.
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..The Legacy of Big Blond Hair =-.
Hi I had to really think about commenting because of my notorious weakness for RED heads But here we go
I’m 44
I’m in a rotten marriage 14 yrs have a son Daniel 13 so that explains that
I don’t drop my links people find me 🙂
Nice site
Oh I did start http://bloggerluv.com recently but that is a group site so I will share that 🙂 I like your blog you should make it do follow 🙂
Hope to see you around Thanks
.-= John Sullivan´s last blog ..Blogging communities for bloggers by BLOGGERS 😛 =-.
I’m not sure how many typos there were in the previous post. I had a friend once that I armed on occasion by strapping the thing to his shoulder. When I go hunting, I’m not looking to pack the freezer.
Omigod, I suddenly feel like Mikey Stipe — he’ll eat anything — singing about his religion, which I am smack in the middle of.
Age: 44 (as of Saturday)
Marital Status: married
Number of children: 2 (3 if you count my husband. He’s not my child, but still a child).
Blog: Small Town Mommy: http://www.smalltownmommy.com
.-= Anne´s last blog ..What the Hell… Snow! =-.
O.K. you gotta give a guy a primer, all the way down here. I feel like I’m in China or Aussie land or something. It may take me awhile to finish…since I have-ta keep going to the top, to figure what the hell I’m writing about anyway.
Age 50 years, 10 months, to the day.
Marital Status very single, very divorced. with no angst.
Number of Children Two, very independent, till they need money.
URL of your blog or website I’m a big-boy now, (THANK YOU!), dropped the .blogspot| Just donechute.com| now, aint that sexy?
Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).
married (2nd marriage)
4 children (2 are step children)
Daughters – 31, 30, 23
Son – 28
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..All Idiots-First Come, First Served! =-.
Okay , Fine! Secret is out! I’m an older Diva :)) 57, married 2 kids (31 and 31) Website boutique is: http://www.olliemckays.com and BLOG is: http://olliemckayschicboutique.blogspot.com/
.-= Nancy at the Chic Boutique´s last blog .. =-.
Oops – hope my first comment went thru??
.-= Nancy at the Chic Boutique´s last blog .. =-.
OK – so I see it did not go thru – sorry about that! Let’s try again!
Secret is out ! I’m an older Diva Mom :)) 57, married, 2 wonderful kids – son is 31 and daughter is 30, Website boutique is: http://www.olliemckays.com and Blog is: http://olliemckayschicboutique.blogspot.com/
.-= Nancy at the Chic Boutique´s last blog .. =-.
57, married, 2 kids (son is 31-daughter 30) Have a beautiful day!
.-= Nancy at the Chic Boutique´s last blog .. =-.
Age: 44
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 0
Blog: http://www.junkdrawerblog.com
.-= Junk Drawer Kathy´s last blog ..Taking It to a Whole New Level of Dumbassery =-.
Age: 44
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 0
Blog: The Junk Drawer http://www.junkdrawerblog.com
This comment might be a duplicate. Didn’t appear the first one took. That, or you have comment moderation turned on. Delete the dup!
.-= Junk Drawer Kathy´s last blog ..Taking It to a Whole New Level of Dumbassery =-.
I think I’m 44
Married (11 years) – divorced twice – third times the charm
3 kids – 2 boys, 10 and 12 – 1 girl 5
.-= Sheila Sultani´s last blog ..We Are The World Remake – Gives Me Cold Chills! =-.
Did my comment not go through?
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..All Idiots-First Come, First Served! =-.
Age: 51
Married (2nd time)
4 children (2 step children)
Daughters 31, 30, 23
Son 28
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..All Idiots-First Come, First Served! =-.
Fellow redhead =)
35, married, 3 kids (ages, 6, 3, 1 and trying for #4)
.-= Tara´s last blog ..I Give Away More Stuff =-.
They’re going into the spam folder. Drat!
Keep trying but write it out instead of a list. You don’t need to leave your URL I have comment luv and you add it to the info when commenting. I can’t speak today. The URLs are sending everything to spam.
Age 27, Happily single, no kids but lots in my life, think your hilarious lol
It seems to be working now. WTF?
44 years young
Single, never married
21 y/o daughter
.-= peedee´s last blog ..Happy Heart Day =-.
Blessedly single, never married
Dixie, 3 and Mason 8 months. (My dog and cat ARE my kids)
Ass: Size 4… What? That wasn’t a question?
.-= injaynesworld´s last blog ..injaynesworld it’s "Blast From the Past Day…" =-.
I am 13
I have lost track of how many kids I have had
I have had many bucks but I am not a slut goat
The publicist is 50
married for 28 years as of Saturday
no kids
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Well, I assume you will find mine. If not email me and I will redo
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Pricilla: How funny. And of course you are not a slut goat, just a girl who likes to sow her wild oats. You go girl!
Hey there Jen,
Here goes.
Married (going on 6 years)
4 kids (10 & 0.3 year old boys and 7 & 4 year old girls)
.-= Metallman´s last blog ..Valentine’s Day =-.
Age: 45
Marital Status: married (24 years and counting!)
Number of Children: 6
URL of your blog or website:
Win with 1
Fellow redhead!
.-= Alison Moore Smith´s last blog ..Best Toys: 60 Educational Family Games =-.
And I could see that missed quotation mark as the stupid think posted!
.-= Alison Moore Smith´s last blog ..31DBBB: Day #2 Write a List Post =-.
I’m curious as to the purpose of said “unscientific” study. 🙂 But I’ll play…
Age – 31 (soon to be 32)
Marital Status – Married
Number of Children – One – brand new @ 4 1/2 months old
URL of your blog or website – I have many … my blogs are:
And my ‘business’ jewelry sites are:
http://www.castocreations.etsy.com and
Hope that’s not too many to list. =) I also have a pet blog but I’ll leave that off.
Age – 48
Marital Status – Partnered
Number of Children – 2 (girl 16, soon to be 17 in April, boy 15)
URL of your blog or websites:
.-= Lola´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Stoned Kitty =-.
Okay guys and gals, some of the comments are going into spam or are awaiting moderation because of the links. Continue to link your websites but if it doesn’t show up right away don’t panic, I just have to approve it.
Age: 43
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 2
URL of your blog or website: http://www.stormsister.biz
Married for going on 7 yrs
1, and he’s 3 1/2
.-= Ian´s last blog ..#499 – Questions =-.
Age : 42
Marital Status: Thrice divorced
Number of Children: 1, lives with father
URL of your blog or website: http://www.msdarkstar.blogspot.com/
.-= MsDarkstar´s last blog ..Happy Feast of St. Stoogepie! =-.
28, Married for 5 years, no kids YET, but I do have two dogs that we treat like children (I know that can be sickening, but we really aren’t THAT bad), and I don’t have a website or blog….but I am a fellow redhead. 🙂
Nicole: Another redhead! Thanks for speaking up!
I treat my animals like children too. Come to think of it I treat my children like animals.
Don’t anyone go calling social services on me, I’M JOKING.
Age: 33 (Birthday was last week)
Marital Status: Married (Doesn’t mean we aren’t open to three and fourways)
Number of Children: 1 (White Mamba, now 13 days old)
Website: http://www.goingguerilla.com
.-= Jrodius´s last blog ..Jrodius’ Tall Tales: The Progress Report =-.
Age: 63
Martial Status: Married 39 years
Number of children: 45, none acknowledged (1 currently under adjudication)
URL of blog or Web site: http://oneminutepresident.com
Incept date: Unknown
Party Affiliation: Social Revolutionary Anarchy Federation
Slogan: U.S. Out of North America!
Favorite food: What I just puked up.
I have already forgotten the questions!
Divorced, then remarried
2 kids ages 10 and 2
1 Son
.-= AmyLK´s last blog ..Random Thought Tuesday =-.
Age: as old as the hills
Marital status: married, longer than most
Children: two
http://apostcardaday.blogspot.com – CommentLuv rarely works for me, no idea why not.
41, no kids. Kinda married to my job, but trying for a divorce.
.-= mike´s last blog ..Cheese In The News =-.
married (10 years)
2 children. 6 yr old boy and 3 yr old girl
.-= Shelly´s last blog ..WW~ My Contribution to the V-Day Sugar Stock-up =-.
Age: 30 & 30
Marital Status: In a relationship / just getting out of an 8 year relationship
Number of Children: 0 & 0
URL of your blog or website: http://thetwotwins.blogspot.com/
.-= Bird-Shit´s last blog ..Oh Gnome She Didn’t!!! =-.
3 kids, son 22, daughters 19 and 15
.-= Maureen@IslandRoar´s last blog ..Spin Cycle: What I Can’t Live Without… =-.
44, “married” (YOU know), 3 children,
You know, I have way too many sites to list… I put some of the blogs though 🙂
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..The Surgery That Almost Wasn’t =-.
64, married (divorced thrice), 2 children, John 42 and Sheila 39, 6 grandchildren (4 girls and two boys) and what else what there? Annual income, not enough. Missionary is fine and I don’t swallow. Oh, yeah, website,
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..The Legacy of Big Blond Hair =-.
Age: 28 (for the 4th year in a row, 5th year in a row on Friday)
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 3 (11, 7, 5)
URL of your blog or website: http://really3.blogspot.com and http://myinnerchildcries.blogspot.com
.-= Meesa´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Where’s my comment Jen?
Here we go. 64, married, (divorced more than once), two children, John 42 and Sheila 39, 6 grandchildren 4 girls and 2 boys. Annual income, not enough. Missionary is fine and I don’t swallow.
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..The Legacy of Big Blond Hair =-.
TMI, Linda.
Pushing 50
Married (26yrs), 4 kids, all boys
.-= The Mother´s last blog ..Helpful Test-Taking Strategies for Parents =-.
Age: 28 (for the 4th year in a row – 5 in a row on Friday)
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 3 (11, 7, 5)
URL of your blog or website: http://really3.blogspot.com and http://myinnerchildcries.blogspot.com
I’m sorry if this gets posted twice, but it didn’t seem like it went through the 1st time.
.-= Meesa´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Married Since 1968
Suitably old but mysteriously advanced.
Age: 28 (for the 4th year in a row – 5 in a row on Friday)
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 3 (11, 7, 5)
URL of your blog or website: http://really3.blogspot.com and http://myinnerchildcries.blogspot.com
.-= Meesa´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Hi I had to really think about commenting because of my notorious weakness for RED heads But here we go
I’m 44
I’m in a rotten marriage 14 yrs have a son Daniel 13 so that explains that
I don’t drop my links people find me 🙂
Nice site
Oh I did start http://bloggerluv.com recently but that is a group site so I will share that 🙂 I like your blog you should make it do follow 🙂
Hope to see you around Thanks
.-= John Sullivan´s last blog ..Blogging communities for bloggers by BLOGGERS 😛 =-.
Married 20 something years,
3 kids, 20, 18, 15
Fellow redhead 🙂
1 son, Vlad, age 22
1 dog, Hickory, age 13
1 house, built 1925, mine since 1985
1 car, age 15
0 cats, because I hate kitty litter
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..Magpie Tales: The Loving Cup =-.
I would love to stand up and be counted!
Married (x2)
3 daughters (32, 29, 27)
1 son (24)
1 step daughter (42)
1 step son (43)
plus few websites that link off my blog…
36, Not, None, kristy-hutchison.blogspot.com =)
.-= Kristy´s last blog ..205B – LMAO =-.
Sounds like you are attracting old farts and flies, Jen. When that happens to me, I armed myself and go hunting.
single, never been married
1 boy (6 yrs. old)
.-= marjonelle´s last blog ..Childhood Lessons =-.
I’m not sure how many typos there were in the previous post. I had a friend once that I armed on occasion by strapping the thing to his shoulder. When I go hunting, I’m not looking to pack the freezer.
Omigod, I suddenly feel like Mikey Stipe — he’ll eat anything — singing about his religion, which I am smack in the middle of.
Age ~ 28
Marital Status ~ Married (5 1/2 years)
Number of Children ~ 2 (boys)
URL of your blog or website ~ http://www.jenerahealy.com
.-= Jenera´s last blog ..Our Romantic Getaway =-.
Age 37
Marital Status married 10 yrs in May
Number of Children 0
URL of your blog or website fabuliss.com & fabuliss.wordpress.com
.-= Sasha´s last blog ..Paging the Real You =-.
*cough* married *cough*
2 kids – Boy 4 years today (it’s the 18th here) and baby Girl 4 months
.-= Robyn´s last blog ..Are Your Beliefs Preventing Your Prosperity? =-.
Age: I am 41 years, 3 weeks and 3 days old, but who’s counting? I’m an aquarian, taurus ascending.
Marital status: shacked up, living in sin
I have 3 boys, aged 16, minutes away from 13, and 2 1/2. The first 2 are from my married days.
Favorite food: Cheese
.-= Nicky´s last blog ..Give Me My Medal Already! =-.
Age: 44 (as of Saturday)
Marital Status: married
Number of children: 2 (3 if you count my husband. He’s not my child, but still a child).
Blog: Small Town Mommy: http://www.smalltownmommy.com
.-= Anne´s last blog ..What the Hell… Snow! =-.
3 children
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Times have Changed =-.
2 dogs, 13 and 8
.-= Chris Casey´s last blog ..Snow Visions of the Future? =-.
Age – 35
Marital Status – Single [and, in a relationship]
Number of Children – 1
URL of your blog or website http://mommamiameaculpa.com
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently – My Week In Review [Part Two] =-.
Age: 24
Marital Status: Married for almost 2 years
Number of Children: 2. Hunter (almost 3) and Landon (Almost 5 months)
URL of your blog or website: http://beingme-alison.blogspot.com/
hey Jen,
good day!
40 (last jan22)
3 girls- 18, 17 ,15
blog: http://www.silvergurl22.blogspot.com
.-= Silvergirl´s last blog ..Ash Wednesday =-.
O.K. you gotta give a guy a primer, all the way down here. I feel like I’m in China or Aussie land or something. It may take me awhile to finish…since I have-ta keep going to the top, to figure what the hell I’m writing about anyway.
Age 50 years, 10 months, to the day.
Marital Status very single, very divorced. with no angst.
Number of Children Two, very independent, till they need money.
URL of your blog or website I’m a big-boy now, (THANK YOU!), dropped the .blogspot| Just donechute.com| now, aint that sexy?
I’ll start. I’ll finish
44 good age
Divorced (2) commonality
2 kids Boy(17), Girl (7) close but no cigar
Share and Enjoy: love your stuff!
Peace Redhead…did anybody tell you, that Redhead banner is, well, …
.-= Don E. Chute´s last blog ..FEDERLIST FRIDAY 2.19.2k10 =-.
Age..over 40, not quite 50
Married for a very long time
3 Step kids, 8 grand kids
.-= Heather´s last blog ..1998 Grass Fire =-.
I think you know this…but I’ll bite. Sorry I’m late on this.
Married (and hanging on for dear life)
1 Son (13)
URL of my blog? Am i reading that right? – http://functionalshmunctional.blogspot.com
.-= Grandy´s last blog ..T.M.I. At The Hospital =-.
46 (for a bit longer)
married (22 years)
2 boys (17 and 20 this week)
And I am a redhead!!! I had to visit when I saw your blog’s name. I will be back:)
Married 15 years
2 — 1 boy (six), 1 girl (3 –this week!)
.-= 38traci´s last blog ..Day 178 or Bitten Off More Than I Can Chew =-.
One son – 39
Have a terrific day. 🙂
.-= Comedy Plus´s last blog ..Laura Lou =-.
Age: 49 – OMG, I’ll be 50 in December – where the hell did the time go??
Marital Status – Happily married to my best friend, John
Number of Children – 2 girls – 21 and 18
URL of your blog or website – http://www.ladypzaz.me (blog) – feel free to leave me a comment!; http://www.pattyzplace.com (shopping) – take a peek!
.-= Patty Zasloff´s last blog ..How to correctly perform CPR on pets =-.
Age: 54
One child, 14
My posts on red hair are here: http://thesisterproject.com/roach/category/redheads-2/
Author of the book, “The Roots of Desire, The Myth Meaning and Sexual Power of Red Hair.”
Check it out, sister.
.-= Marion Roach´s last blog ..Ready to Eat Smart, Sister? Paige Reviews a Baker’s Dozen of Sites =-.
Okay so this is about 2 months too late, but whatev…
4 children (boy-4, boy- 3, girl-2, & boy-10 mos)
Um, with all those young kids it's no wonder it took you so long to answer!