Make it Stop!!!!

I am so sick of winter I can't even express myself properly. Last week we had temperatures in the 50s, it was awesome and melted a ton of snow. Here are the before the melting took place pictures Yes, that is dog poop. We had so much snow back in December we had to shovel out a path for the dog. The ladder is there

Make it Stop!!!!2011-02-22T09:29:57-06:00

Twin Cities Blizzard-December 2010

I've missed you internet. First it was the trojan* that incapacitated my PC and laptop and then this! I was almost back online when this monster of a storm hit late Friday night. I wasn't the least bit prepared for it and ran to the store, like everyone else in my neighborhood, at 8pm. The shelves were empty but I made do by grabbing some

Twin Cities Blizzard-December 20102010-12-12T20:06:12-06:00

Annual Bitch about the Cold Post

It is too damn cold outside. It is also too damn cold inside. I can't turn the heat on enough to make it feel warm in my house. The air temperature might say 68 degrees but without any moisture in the air it still feels really cold. For the past several days I wake up and my whole body is sore. It's sore because I

Annual Bitch about the Cold Post2010-01-04T10:51:30-06:00


Is it just me or is anyone else having a really hard time getting motivated to do anything?Yesterday I took the day off. I wasn't sick, I just didn't feel like working on anything. I managed to get the kids off to school and then I spent the day pretty much on the couch under many blankets. I watched TV. I don't even remember what


Happy Groundhog Day

I must admit this is a holiday I rarely pay attention to. Legend has it if the ground hog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow spring will arrive soon. "Soon" is rather vague but presumably sooner than six weeks.In Minnesota an early spring would be six weeks. Six weeks brings us to the Ides

Happy Groundhog Day2009-02-02T06:54:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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