What’s the End Game?

There was no Red Wave, let alone a Red Tsunami. Maybe a red trickle, but it's still too early to count. Looks like the Republicans will have a slight majority in the house, the senate is still up for grabs. I was expecting a Red Wave. Mostly because everyone I know is so sick and tired of the crime that is everywhere these days. I

What’s the End Game?2022-11-10T19:24:40-06:00


Recently I was unfriended. Not by one person, not even two people, but by three. The first person who unfriended me accused me of idiotic thinking. The second person thought the first person's response to disagreeing with me was rational and simply followed suit. The third person just slunk away. I'm sure this is not the first time I have been unfriended, but no one


The Upside of a Trump Presidency

I know everyone is upset about Trump becoming our 45th president. I get it. The upside of a Trump presidency is actually many things believe it or not. Sure, he says a lot of stupid things and he doesn't appear to know what he's doing, it's scary, I really do get it. But think about all that has happened since he was sworn in the past

The Upside of a Trump Presidency2017-02-20T20:12:14-06:00

Hit the Wall

Last month I wrote more posts than I ever have in one month, this month I've hit the wall. It's not really writer's block, I just don't know what to write about. I guess that is writer's block. Last month was great because of the inauguration and so many blunders going forward. This month, I'm sort of over the whole thing already.  Tempers have sort

Hit the Wall2017-02-13T16:43:18-06:00

Taking a Social Media Break

I'm going to be taking a social media break. Mostly from Facebook since that is where I waste most of my time. I'm doing it for many reasons, the above mentioned wasting time is a big one, but I'm also doing it because it's not fun anymore. Social media has turned into the Mean Girls table in 7th grade and I hated it then and

Taking a Social Media Break2017-01-23T21:37:37-06:00

On Trump and Golden Showers

Here are my thoughts on Trump and Golden Showers, but first I should mention I did not bother to read the Buzzfeed article, the dossier that was apparently handed over from John McCain to the FBI or maybe it was the CIA or possible the NSA, TSA, FCC, JCC or AARP, and I didn't see any of the press conference Donald Trump gave today, either. I

On Trump and Golden Showers2017-01-11T20:23:39-06:00

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup

For your reading pleasure I've put together my sometimes annual Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup. Every other media outlet does a roundup so I thought, what the heck, I'll do one too! I'm actually surprised I wrote enough this year for a roundup. In fact, I actually wrote and published 60 posts this year, which is my third time high since I started blogging in 2007.

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup2016-12-31T10:45:36-06:00

How to Survive the Trumpocalypse

If you're like most of the American population you're wondering what the hell happened yesterday. You're also probably wondering how to survive the Trumpocalypse without losing your mind, dignity, friends, etc. You may or may not be wondering how the media and pundits got it so wrong. And if you're like many people you're busy pointing fingers and demanding that those who voted for him

How to Survive the Trumpocalypse2016-11-10T10:34:52-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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