Trying Something New – Blogging

I blog professionally. I manage and write for 20 + blogs and websites and I follow pretty strict rules about SEO. I ALWAYS create posts that are at least 300 words. I always use the proper keyword density along with title tags, alt tag, headings, etc. The problem is, it makes for crappy writing sometimes, or at least less interesting writing.  One of the biggest

Trying Something New – Blogging2017-03-28T10:43:44-05:00

The Oreck Store in Roseville Has Closed

In fact I think it closed over a year ago. I know people are still looking for it because they keep clicking on the link I had in a post about how wonderful the Muppet guy was who worked a the Oreck store. The post was about the fact that Oreck was so much better than Dyson but now that the store is gone I'm

The Oreck Store in Roseville Has Closed2014-01-07T06:12:55-06:00

Questions That Are Too Stupid To Ask Google

You know that old saying "There are no stupid questions only stupid answers/people"? Well I am here to tell you there are stupid questions, a lot of them. Presumably the are asked on Google by stupid people and inevitably they end up on my blog. Do redheads make good parents? I get why they are here, I'm a redhead and I write a

Questions That Are Too Stupid To Ask Google2011-02-04T15:44:00-06:00

Google Stopped Loving Me

Before I made the move over to my own domain Google was giving me lots and lots of love.  Even though I sent out change of address cards to all the search engines they haven't gotten around to rerouting my mail, or searches by very strange individuals. I get a lot of visitors to my site based on some really weird and twisted searches. Most

Google Stopped Loving Me2009-10-05T21:58:34-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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