Minnesota Nice

After at least 15 bazillion titles I have finally settled on Minnesota Nice as the title of my memoir. According to Wikipedia Minnesota Nice is: the stereotypical behavior of people born and raised in Minnesota, to be courteous, reserved, and mild-mannered. The cultural characteristics of Minnesota nice include a polite friendliness, an aversion to confrontation, a tendency toward understatement, a disinclination to make a fuss or stand out,

Minnesota Nice2020-08-10T19:52:57-05:00

How to Fit in When Visiting the Twin Cities for the Super Bowl

If you're wondering how to fit in when visiting the Twin Cities for the Super Bowl, I'll save you all kinds of time. You can't. Sure, you can dress warmly (though that is the first clue you aren't from here), and you can even adopt a quasi Fargo accent, you still won't fit in. Hell, I was born here and have lived here for most

How to Fit in When Visiting the Twin Cities for the Super Bowl2018-01-29T05:46:30-06:00


When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Right? That's what we're told. And yet, turning something bad into something good inevitably pisses someone off. I've been working diligently on being more positive and trying really hard to not wallow in the crap. That's a difficult thing for me to do - not wallow. I let things get to me when they shouldn't.  Lately my life


No Mom, You Didn’t Cause My Eating Disorder

I actually said this to my mother today: "No Mom, you didn't cause my eating disorder", really, she didn't. Last week, I made the mistake of telling my mother I was bulimic when I was younger. I didn't mean to tell her. I knew if I did, it would turn out just like it did. And yet, when it happened, I was unable to stop

No Mom, You Didn’t Cause My Eating Disorder2017-01-05T14:59:10-06:00

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup

For your reading pleasure I've put together my sometimes annual Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup. Every other media outlet does a roundup so I thought, what the heck, I'll do one too! I'm actually surprised I wrote enough this year for a roundup. In fact, I actually wrote and published 60 posts this year, which is my third time high since I started blogging in 2007.

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup2016-12-31T10:45:36-06:00

Life isn’t Fair

My mother had been telling me that life isn't fair since as far back as I could remember. She'd married a gay man and had a debilitating stroke before she reached the age of 30, so I figured she knew what she was talking about. It didn't really hit home for me until I was in middle school. The Back Story When I was 10

Life isn’t Fair2023-09-27T15:00:32-05:00

One of the Best Weeks Ever!!

I don't know if it's just my attitude or if the stars have switched their alignment but this past week has been one of the best weeks ever. I know it is not the best week ever because that will happen when I fly off to Vegas with my BFF - who emailed me this week asking if I would ever want to do something

One of the Best Weeks Ever!!2013-10-19T08:21:43-05:00

Christmas Lights In April Are Offensive

Who'd have thought that posting a picture of lit Christmas lights in April would set off such a heated argument? It snowed last night. It snowed quite a bit and frankly I'm pretty sick of the snow. We've had snow on the ground since Thanksgiving. I know this because my ex husband took me on a motorcycle ride on Thanksgiving and it started to snow

Christmas Lights In April Are Offensive2013-04-19T12:56:19-05:00

My Next Big Thing

I’m happy to be participating in a blog hop called, “My Next Big Thing.” I was tagged by fellow blogger and writer, June O'Hara of the Nuerosis Files, and asked to answer ten questions about my most recent writing project. Here are my responses:      Where did the idea for your book or project come from? From my family. My book is a humorous and heartbreaking memoir about

My Next Big Thing2012-12-17T15:09:33-06:00

Bad Dog

File this under I Should Have Known Better. I put away all the remotes, coasters, books and anything else that was lying around at puppy eye level. I've learned my lesson, I thought, as I picked up my daughter's favorite teddy bear and locked it in her room for safe keeping. Then I left the house to go to the Y for a quick work

Bad Dog2012-12-12T13:08:14-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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