Chris Brown on the Today Show

I don't understand The Today Show. Can someone explain to me why it's okay to promote a known abuser and yet they stand in judgement of someone like Nadya Sulemon? I'm not defending Octomom, I think anyone with more than a handful of kids is crazy but just a generation ago people had lots and lots of kids, and exploited all of them. My ex

Chris Brown on the Today Show2012-06-08T08:36:51-05:00

In Support of Octomom: Let’s Get Her a Reality Show

I'm pretty sure I called Nadya Suleman insane when I first heard of her and her 14 kids. I still think she is insane for going to a fertility doctor and implanting 8 embryos into her womb and it seems to me he is a little nuts too. As a mom of two I know how hard it is to raise kids. As a single

In Support of Octomom: Let’s Get Her a Reality Show2012-04-05T10:38:32-05:00

Dear Mr. Boss Man

This is a repost from a couple of years ago, before anyone was reading my stuff. Dear Mr. Boss Man, Thank you for the raise the other day. I really appreciate it. Thank you also for the glowing review. I am not used to someone saying such wonderful things about me or my work. I appreciate the positive feedback that you give to me each

Dear Mr. Boss Man2010-05-13T13:17:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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