On Trump and Golden Showers

Here are my thoughts on Trump and Golden Showers, but first I should mention I did not bother to read the Buzzfeed article, the dossier that was apparently handed over from John McCain to the FBI or maybe it was the CIA or possible the NSA, TSA, FCC, JCC or AARP, and I didn't see any of the press conference Donald Trump gave today, either. I

On Trump and Golden Showers2017-01-11T20:23:39-06:00

Michael Jackson Faked His Own Death

Before I get into today's post I think it is important for all of us to tip our hats to Billy Mays, the Oxy Clean guy. If it weren't for him I would have never gotten those poop stains out of the carpet when my dog had Parvo and I would still be wearing spit up on my left shoulder. In honor of Billy Mays,

Michael Jackson Faked His Own Death2009-06-29T07:39:00-05:00


Barack Osama is on the ballot in NY. Absentee ballots were sent to people in Rensselaer County, NY with Barack Osama and John McCain on the ballot for US President. The typo has been fixed and the 300 people who received the errored ballot will receive a new one. They can send either one in and have it count no matter what name is on


Brooke Hogan on the 2008 Presidential Election

Another one for the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" file.Brooke Hogan, daughter of wrestler Hulk Hogan, who now has her own show which any father would be horrified to watch had this to say when asked what she thought about John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Vice President."Who's that?"She then went on to demonstrate that the apple does not fall far from the

Brooke Hogan on the 2008 Presidential Election2008-09-09T12:12:00-05:00

John McCain Channels Ronald Reagan

This is a fantastic speech! Ronald Reagan is looking down and smiling. The only thing McCain needs to do now is throw a ream of paper on the podium and it will be complete. We have so needed this in the good old USA.

John McCain Channels Ronald Reagan2008-09-04T20:38:00-05:00

Election 2008

Like the Super Bowl, this election is a nail biter. I tried to follow all of the numbers being posted late into the night and decided to wait until the morning to see if the talking heads had made any definitive sense out of the whole thing. On the dems side it looks like its still anyone's game. McCain looks to be the likely nominee

Election 20082008-02-06T13:15:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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