For crying out loud terrorists, stop trying to bomb New York City!
Why do you hate us so much? When I say ‘us’ I don’t really mean us since I don’t live anywhere near NYC, but I do mean ‘us’ as in U.S.
Stop it, you’re pissing me off.
Midtown Manhattan is closed at the moment because of a suspicious cooler left on the street. This follows the failed car bomb attempt last weekend and a whole bunch of other failed attempts since 9/11.
Don’t you have a better place to blow up? Surely there is some third world country that no one knows about that you could blow up just to get your jollies?
Whoever you are, and you know who you are, setting off a cooler isn’t going to stop us. People in NYC are tough. They eat guys like you for breakfast and don’t even burp. Didn’t you see The Godfather? How about Escape From NY? Hell, there are tons of movies out there that you should order from NetFlix right now before you strap another bomb on yourself.
I’m sick and tired of you terrorists messing up my weekends. All the shows get preempted and a gal can only watch so many hours of a shot of a cooler. It’s just not that interesting.
And let me tell you one more thing Mr. Terrorist wannabe, just because we have a peace loving president doesn’t mean that he won’t take you out if he has to. Cuz he totally will, just watch.
Well, it would seem that some guy just left his cooler on the street on accident. The dude probably walked across the street to get a hot dog or something and someone saw an abandoned cooler and freaked out.
Shows over, nothing to see here.
This is what terrorism is. Even when those bad guys weren’t trying to blow us up today we think they are because somebody walked across the street to grab some lunch and didn’t want to haul his cooler with him, he probably had a good spot picked out and wanted to hold it with the cooler.
What do you bet someone from a terrorist group tries to claim responsibility for this? Dudes are phoning it in these days.
yeah! What she said!
Whoa…am i the first comment?
Thanks, it's nice to know you Canadians got our back!
We're totally there for you guys. Anytime.
We're also wondering if there's any beer in that cooler. In fact, a cooler WITHOUT beer in it would be very suspicious, indeed!
I was thinking that very same thing. It is Friday, there must be beer in it.
And thanks, we appreciate knowing you are there for us, seriously.
They're pissing us all off. They don't bomb a third world country because it's Americans they're after, with a mandate to destroy however many of us they can. The US is unique, with great power to influence the world (for good and bad). They hate that and train and teach terrorist tactics to the disenfranchised and disturbed who have no prospects for a life, liberty or much happiness.
On the positive side, many plots have been foiled because when we see we say, even if it turns out to be a false alarm. During the power outage of 2002, Al Qaeda claimed responsibility even though it was a mechanical failure. Their brand of religious fundamentalism is not allied with truth but has become an hysterical fanaticism that the world is against. Perhaps in the future we'll look back on this time and say, “Remember when terrorism was a threat?”
Yes, those damn terrorists are a bit annoying. They don't even know why they don't like us. They've been raised to hate the American Infidels. It's sad. I watched a show one time where they got together two groups of kids, Muslim and Jewish – they were all raised to hate each other but after living together for a couple months realized they weren't that different.
It's disgusting what parents do to their kids and usually in the name of God.
It most certainly is. I wish I could add to that but I don't know what else to say. There is no reason for it.
Did you hear what the street vendor said who discovered the actual car full of explosives, he said, “I wish we would have caught him leaving the car, so we could have given him a good shellacking.”
And you know those NYPD boys, never forgetting 9/11, would have certainly shellacked him up good. And that's what the terrorists need to remember. We are Americans and we WON”T bow down. Shellac in hand, baby.
what is scary is a grenade would have worked. or if he had gone to the airport that night instead of waiting a day.
regarding the vendor's statement. what is sad, one of those other crazy fuckers would see the pictures of him getting his as shellacked. and it be like abugrade, and they would use that as a reason to blow something else up.
or cut someone's head off on u-tube.
bottom line……… who the fuck has time for all this crap. doing, planning, paying….. speaking for myself, earning enough money to live, exercise, etc….. and i do not have kids. GET A LIFE !!! A life that is more than hating us.
In all seriousness I don't think we should be concerned about what the terrorists will do if we were to shellac one of them. They are going to do all the things you mentioned whether a street vendor shellacs one of their terrorists or not, it's just an excuse they use. I say let the shellacing begin.
Before everyone jumps on me I do not mean to imply that we target men of Arab descent and just start beating them up. That is not what I mean. However, if a street vendor sees a guy who is running away from an SUV that is about to blow up by all means shellac now and ask questions later.
I know what you mean. Enough already. I guess we can be thankful that the last couple of bomber wannabes were last in their class at terrorist school.
Yeah, they must have gone to the community college for terrorism
“They eat guys like you for breakfast and don’t even burp. “
So you're saying if I missed all the hubbub, I don't need to go hunt down pictures of the cooler cuz it's just a cooler? Are they going to spent 7 hours talking to the guy who left it there now?
I don't know if the ever found the guy. Actually I can't imagine that they
don't have video of him from every angle. If it were my cooler and I had
caused all that commotion I would have left it there too. They will probably
spend 7 hours talking about the cooler on CNN.
When Alex was called up for airport duty after 9/11 I was a little nervous about it. Seeing these guys in uniform with M-16's all over the airport made me think about being “occupied”. Most people felt safer though. A little girl came up and gave Alex a card she made with 27 cents taped on it. She just wanted to say “thank you” for keeping her safe. He still has the card! Terrorism is a horrible thing. But I think we do have to answer the question, “why do they hate us?” and I really cannot.
Tell Alex I said Thank You.
Tell Alex I said Thank You.
“Stop it, you're pissing me off”. Kicked ass.
I'll bet they stop now. Just watch!
You are too funny, even when it's not funny business. Love it.
They'd be stupid to keep interrupting my shows. I've been busy for the last
9 years but I have a little free time now, they don't want to piss me off.
Bastards should get a real job.
I'm so dam frustrated I can't even write about this, I feel like our freedoms have been so compromised and I really pray our president will do something to show everyone we won'd take this quietly.
Dorothy from grammology
The publicist remembers way long ago when she had money and something called “free time”. It was in October of 2001 and she and a girlfriend had tickets for “The Producers” on Broadway. (This was when she lived in NJ. She and her friend had been holding the tickets for over a year. It was less than a month after the Towers fell but they didn't care. They went on the train to NY and saw the show. They had lunch. They said “screw you terrorists. You are not going to ruin our day in New York.” And they didn't. They had a wonderful meal, saw a great show and now have wonderful memories of a lovely day.
Pricilla, the publicist and her friend are just who the terrorist should
Sometimes a cooler is just a cooler.
What makes me sad is that we can't count on that anymore.
So funny, yet so damn true.
Yeah, between innocent people forgetting their shopping bag on the subway and the paranoid security guards, the terrorists really don't even have to lift a finger.
Oh, and five stars for the reference to Escape from NY. Freaking awesome movie.
I have to admit, when I heard the whole story, my first thought was that someone is really embarrassed to have left his cooler in front of the Marriott Marquis and starting all of this. I bet you could really show those terrorists by traveling to NYC for BlogHer (hint, hint).
I admit, I'm WAY more scared of politicians than I am of any terrorist.
OMG… I left a cooler in my living room last night! Yikes! Call the bomb squad! Sadly, it's a different world we live in now. Pisses me off, too!
Jeesh next they will be talking about how some middle American cities like say um the Twin Cities up there in God's country will have crazy people with bombs in there baby carriages. What a world we live in huh? So sad. BUT
The real reason I wanted to stop by is to wish my favorite Red Head a Happy Mothers Day
Actually we had a bomb scare today. Someone put an empty brief case under a
guys car in the parking lot of Best Buy. It closed the store, with all the
customers inside, for two hours. There was nothing in the brief case but the
guy who's car it was under swears it wasn't there when he parked his car.
This is just what the terrorists want to happen. turn us all into paranoid zombies. I myself would have stormed out of Best Buy no matter what, if it's my time to get blown up so be it. I refuse to become some puppet controlled by these assholes. GOD I get so pissed…….
I often leave my Funyuns bag unattended cause people generally don't like Funyuns.
So sad but true. I wish people would just leave us alone. That's the problem with being the best country in the world– someone always wants to try to knock you down.
I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!
Happy Mother's Day Jen! Not all of us with plans for world domination hate the collective “you”. I happen to think you in particular are pretty awesome. Got something for you over at my place to prove it
Stop by if you get the chance…
OMG! I wish it would stop. All of it.
On a non-terrorist-why-don't-they-shove-a-bomb-up-thier-own-asses-on-their-own-turf-note (Man that's a lot of hyphens..sorry) HAPPY Mother's day!!!
Can anyone explain why the guy buying a one-way ticket, in cash, didn't raise red flags everywhere???
I'm commenting here because I tried to comment on May 10th post and got an Error 404 Message. Couldn't find an email link, as you suggested on the EM. Maybe it's me; I'm a tech Dork from NY born yesterday.
I don't know what is up. I'm trying to fix it. Thanks for letting me know.
I believe that rather than bombing a third world country, terrorist should stop these activities right away. There is just no benefit of doing this. A lot of terrorists are believed to all this crap stuff because they r told they will get 9 virgins in heaven when they will die.
I just dont understand how can they believe it and do such ridiculous things