In an interview conducted in 2006 by the Associated Press Palin says:
“I’ve honestly answered the questions on what my personal views are on things like abortion and a lot of controversial issues,” Palin told the Associated Press. “I won’t hesitate to answer those questions about what my personal views are, but I am not one to be out there preaching and forcing my views on anyone else.”
And so far there isn’t any evidence to support that she has.
In other news Obama is upset that McCain/Palin stole his idea of change…and he wants it back.
yeah right… and she didn’t lie about the bridge to ???, the ebay plane, and I have some ocean view land in Arizona to sell you… what the hell is goin on with this world???? people will get in line for anything… without looking into what the truth is… yeah, let’s have another 4 years of lying, taking away the rights that this country was founded on and showing the world who’s boss.. and oh yeah, give all of our children the nice present of dealing with the other children in the world who are being taught to hate them. They will grow up with that hate and come back to haunt our children… all because we just get in line without thinking beyond ourselves.