I’m a little irritated. I have had my ads for KOQ rejected several times today. This is not a new thing but I wrongly or naively assumed it really was because of the design of my ad. Which in all honesty was hastily thrown together. However I had them redone professionally and they look fabulous. However there are still many blogs out there that do not want to feature my KOQ ad on their website. Mind you none of my other blogs ads have been rejected.
I won’t name names but I will say that these are “mommy blogs” that are rejecting me. Not the funny ones. These sites are from women who fill their page with flowers and crafts and all sorts of crap that takes forever to load. Why I wanted to have my ad on these blogs is no mystery, I just hit the “advertise on this site” button for inexpensive ones and where the ad was above the fold. I did read the page before I tried to advertise on them and must have thought they were cute or something. It might have been hormonal.
I can respect these girls wanting to maintain their innocence. Hell, I was a new mom once and I remember how I wanted everything to be perfect for my son. I had fantasies about our little family of mommy, daddy and baby and how we would raise a perfect child. I woke up when my son was about six months old and never looked back however.
The novelty of parenthood wore off for me as it does for most of us. Reality set in when I tried to potty train my son. He had a wonderfully large vocabulary, we were able to have conversations about the potty and it’s purpose, he seemed to understand what I was asking of him, he said he would use the potty. I just didn’t realize that his idea of using the potty and mine were a bit different. He illustrated his perspective rather well one afternoon when he emptied my wallet of five crisp twenties and flushed each one down. Getting him to use the potty for any other activity was just an exercise in futility for me. He “got it” on his own time and my reasoning, cajoling, yelling, crying and bribing had no bearing on when it was time for him to “get it”. We both grew.
What gets me about the rejection of these ads is that it is these women who run the highest risk for perpetuating the need for a blog like KOQ. They see things in black and white. There is no gray. Their children could never in a million years possibly be gay. And the possibility that their husbands might be is simply blasphemy. They want the world to be perfect and I understand that.
The thing is, if these girls really understood how things worked they would thank a lesbian. These women are single handedly saving our world. They do it with their partner, their children, their moms and dads. I don’t know where they have the time to do all that they do to stop the spread of injustice but they are doing a great job. I certainly understand why they don’t have time to shave.
These innocent young girls will eventually snap out of it. Their kids will reach the age where they begin to talk back and it will surprise the hell out of them. Their husbands will get sick of all the crafting supplies and the hours their wives spend crafting when they could be “crafting” with their husbands and they will grasp onto the first warm body that thinks they still have testicles. Reality will finally rear it’s ugly head and they will learn that they really never had any control over their kids, their husband or their lives. For some it can be a heartbreaking experience followed by alcoholism or other addictions or they can get with the program, admit they don’t have a clue like the rest of us and wing it developing a wicked sense of humor in the process. It can fall either way.
I don’t take their rejection personally, especially because they have embraced my other blogs. It’s not about me. And it isn’t even about the content of my KOQ blog. It’s about having the word “queer” in a one inch by one inch box on their website and how that clashes with everything else they so want to believe in.
* I have to state emphatically that I have nothing against crafting blogs. In fact I enjoy a lot of them and am amazed of the talent that some people have. This is not the crafting I am talking about. I mean craft as a hobby or something to be tried a few times and then move on to something new. I did a lot of this when I was a new mom because I could feel my brain turning to jelly watching Barney three times a day. I’m not dissing the art blogs, bead blogs or any of the people who take their craft seriously. I mean craft as distraction not passion.
I suppose some do stubbornly hold on to their blinders… I’ve no problems accepting your ad on my sites (I’ve dropped a line at KOQ with the URLs).
I love the KOQ blog! I forget to go there, that is one thing, but I would never reject it. My other blog is cheaper, go over there.
Your new header is nice!
Have a great weekend!
The great thing about entrecard is that you are introduced to sites that you may never have found or taken the time to find on your own. But we do get to choose who will be able to put their little photo on our blog. I decline because I do not like the blog,the photo, it takes too long to load or in one case, had a warning about graghic images on their description but not on the widget.
All you can do is try. And I am not sure if entrecard is going to be the way to get other people to be more open-minded about the world. Especially when they are trying to sell you a box of cereal.
You are more than welcome to advertise on my site. Screw ’em! People are so weird, no use spending time on those folks. I have a neighbor like that–the world is easy for her–so black and white according to what junk they feed her at church. Imagine not having to think for yourself or make up your own mind on things? Scary.
I rejected an ad when I fist started because it said I’m Gay, I am not a prejudiced person, but I didn’t want people that didn’t understand what the widget was about thinking I was coming out of the closet and I especially didn’t want to answer any questions from a very inquisitive little Grandson.
Babe. You’re safe at West of Mars. Welcome, in fact.
Just… holy smoke, wait until my ad price comes down. That’s ridiculous!!
you can advertise on my site!
and, as for “mommy” blogs… ugh. I know the ones you mean. The humorless, self-righteous, “I’m the queen of the universe because I have given birth” type.
I hate to break it to these broads, but they’re not exactly doing anything that hasn’t been done oh, about, 3 kazilllion times before….
OMG! My DRYER DIED! I thought of you and laughed. Well, not that you had your own issues with appliances, but that we both had them kinda together! I may have to kill someone if the dude doesn’t get here soon. ARRRGgghh!!!
Don’t worry this sort of rejection comes from fear, they are frightened to be ‘associated’ with you! I think there are enough sensible people to see that your blogs are intelligently put together and worth popping into!
Why don’t you send a message to them personally and ask why they reject your ad? You were saying its because of the “queer”. Is that what they said or was it an assumption? Just cruious.. 🙂
Oh and btw, you’re welcome to advertise on my blog.. 🙂
You can advertise free in my clump at The Axis. I accept pretty much anything but porn. Even evil lesbian blogs. lol. Just express your desire and 125 square link in a comment or email.
I got rejected too and IT HURTS! I came across this cool looking site belonging to a geeky woman who loves gadgets but she blogs about personal stuff on her site. Folks, check out my entrecard (and blog) and tell me why I got REJECTED?
First…I’m maybe a little offended that you wouldn’t request to advertise on t bloggy buddy’s site. I doubt I’m too pricey.
Second…there are some people that just fear what it all means. It amazes me that people treat it like a cold. Like it’s contagious. Good grief.
I have only refused a couple ads from Entrecard. And those are the ads with the hot babes. What the hell do I want babes hotter than me on my site for? And if you click the link they have nothing to do with the stupid site. ::sigh:: Dumbasses.
How many blogs would you like to be put on? I have about 6 you can choose from. Send me an email and we can chat it out!
Don’t worry I know all about being rejected because you don’t fit into the mold.
Come over and advertise on me too. I love both this and the other blog. I think that they offer honesty with humor which is a refreshing change!