My son just finished driver’s ed this past week. Today I pulled him out of school so he could take his permit test. Before we left I tried to gather all of the items needed to take said test. Birth certificate, $10.50, parent, picture ID and social security card. I have the parent thats me, I have the money, I have a copy of the birth certificate and I know the SS number. Apparently a copu of the birth certificate is not good enough. I need the official copy. So after waiting in line at the DMV for half an hour we had to go downtown and get the official copy of the birth certificate. Son wanted to be dropped off at home but I made him go with because this was his deal. I want to know how people get their driver’s license when they are illegal immigrants. We had all of the proper papers but not an official one. I don’t get this.
Admit it, though…you’re going to sleep like a baby just knowing how safe you are.
You do feel safer, don’t you? After all, no one posing as your son blew up DMV or anything like that.
You are right Bill I will sleep better knowing that. Ironically my son and I were watching the last few minutes of the Simpons tonight and the last seen was of the DMV. I don’t remember the joke but it was about their incredible efficiency, I looked at my son and said “you get it now don’t you?” Today he took a step into adulthood…long lines and beaurocratic red tape…get used to it baby!
Last time I renewed my tags, there was a disturbance in the Force at the DMV office. Someone came in with papers that didn’t all match up, and his enormous sidekick started yelling and threatening the workers with violence and lawsuits.
They called in an officer of the law that made me look average sized, and I’m 6’3″, >250lbs. The miscreants vanished.
Interestingly, this particular office is very busy and surprisingly efficient. Seriously.
In our city, this office is strictly for taking tests and taking really bad photographs. You cannot get your tabs here. I need tabs for both my vehicles and it would have been nice while waiting in line to also be waiting to get my tabs. No, I have to go across town and get tabs or I can order them online….
I haven’t gotten my permit yet. I’ve been putting it off because I don’t want to risk wasting $15 to take the test just to fail it, but I think that, at least where I live, you don’t need an “official” copy of your birth certificate to get a permit. Meh.