I completely spaced out that today was a holiday. It wasn’t until last night that I realized the kids don’t have school today.
Everything I have going on this week is going to get pushed back one day.
This won’t disrupt anyone’s life.
I had about three different posts rolling around in my head last night and this morning. They won’t get developed because I am finding it harder and harder to think when the kids are around. Seems they always need something even though they are getting older and able to do more things.
I will hear the word “mom” 459 times today, usually to inform me that the other one is doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
I’d send them outside to play, it’s warm enough now, but with the warm temperatures brings hard snow. It looks soft but really it is just white ice.
It might just be a Wii day.
I wish we had a Wii for Wii days.
.-= Kristina P.´s last blog ..Help For Haiti =-.
Some of these holidays just sneak up on you and bite don’t they….
MLK is the sneakiest holiday of them all.
Kristina: Wii is the most fun you can have legally and with your clothes on. Go get one.
Pricilla: I should know this one since my birthday usually falls around it but I spaced this one. The kids already have a day off every two weeks for other bizarre reasons.
Wingl: Didn’t it replace Presidents Day as a day off of school?
Today it is actually raining in Arizona! It’s definitely a Wii day for me too.
Now Jen. I am disappointed in you. I expected a heartfelt, all American post about Martin Luther King, Jr. day from you!
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..Lush Shampoo Reviews and Giveaway! =-.
I want to play Wii now. Last time I played I couldn’t move my arm for 3 days because of the bowling!
Oh do I remember those days better have lots of energy…and hold up until tomorrow..
Dorothy from grammology
I had to get up at the crack of dawn and drive our daughter to her home school so she could catch the bus for her day long bowling tournament. Not fun. Our son on the other hand is in a mood. I predict he will be sent to his room very early tonight.
.-= Lola´s last blog ..Weekend Movie – The Blind Side =-.
We home school-so I get to hear MOM 459 times EVERYDAY… Last year they demanded to be able to celebrate MKL Day, so we listened to his I Have A Dream speech & I made them write a report!!!! Heeheehee, they have yet to ask for a day off!!!
Oh, and yes backing up your computer the other day does count for my post on maintenance. What did you think of the inside screen cleaner? BTW, do you have any tips for computer maintenance or anti-virus stuff or stuff like that, I’d love your 2 cents worth, and I would not ask if I didn’t want your honest 2 cents, I have read enough to know not to ask for something I don’t really want to know-I’m the same way. Don’t ask me something you really don’t wan to know!!!
Margo: Isn’t Wii fun? I rock at the bowling!
Katherine: I would have if the kids had been at school.
Bird-shit: Me too and I got a serious injury playing baseball. I got a home run but I managed to scrape my knuckle on the wiimote somehow.
Dorothy: Coffee and chocolate
Lola: sounds like you need some coffee and chocolate.
Valerie: I couldn’t do home schooling, my hat is off to you for having the patience. I have no tips, my son the hacker takes care of the computer stuff. And I buy a new one every three years. Backing up everything is a really good idea. That’s all I got, sorry.
Isn’t everything free on President’s Day? I do believe that is considered a government holiday, unlike the rest of the year when they are working so hard.
459 times today, That’s it. lol I guess i have you beat. And that is just one child I have 3 more that say MOM daily. How do we stay sane ? lol