Best Valentine’s Day Present
Over the past several years I've been writing this funny
I’ve Become A Prepper!
I don't prepare for anything, my whole life I've winged
How to Incorporate Fifty Shades of Grey into Your Sex Life
If you’re among the hundreds of millions who have seen
How I Tamed the Snowblower Beast
If we still had minstrels they'd write a song about
How to Prepare for and Survive a Minnesota Winter
It's coming, sooner than we'd hoped but just about on
Does Fistula Surgery Hurt?
Does anal fistula surgery hurt? Yes, fistula surgery hurts. In
Top 3 Things to do Online After the Kids have Gone to Bed
There are some people who after a long day of
Freaky Old Spice Mom Ad
So this latest viral video is either really funny or
Shelf Safe Milk: Easy and Convenient – Tasty Too!
Even though I haven't written about out trip to the