Before I made the move over to my own domain Google was giving me lots and lots of love. Even though I sent out change of address cards to all the search engines they haven’t gotten around to rerouting my mail, or searches by very strange individuals. I get a lot of visitors to my site based on some really weird and twisted searches. Most have something to do with redheads and certain parts of the female anatomy. Which is fine, I wrote a post about National Vagina Day and I happen to be a redhead so I’m okay with a few perverts coming to my site. Honestly I don’t care who visits my site, it’s all good, as long as no one leaves disgusting comments, besides Moooog of course.I also answered the age old question of whether or not redheads are better in bed. The answer was yes if you didn’t bother to read the post.
My post about how Michael Jackson faked his death was by far the most popular post that brought me traffic from Google. I wasn’t getting as many hits as I did back in July or August when I moved but I was still getting at least ten a day. Now that I have moved I get none. I’d be really nice if another well know celebrity freak overdosed sometime soon. Does Woody Allen take pain medication?
Another one of my posts that was ranked up at the top in a Google search was about my Kitchen Aid Coffee Maker and the Error 2 message that showed up on the display one day. Apparently I’m not the only one who had an expensive yet incredibly crappy coffee maker.
Honestly I am surprised that I haven’t had more visitors based on cat torture or dogs in drag since half of my posts seem to be about those two things. Hopefully Google will start showing me love again, I miss my perverted traffic.
well entrecard dropping helped me to find you. I am sure you’ll get right back up there, it will just take a little time. I don’t ever really change much on either of my blogs. I just write what I write. I get more traffic on my pregnant cancer blog but I think people have more of a curiosity about that than my everyday life. =/
I don’t know what the answer is when you switch from blogger to wordpress, but I’ve known several bloggers that did it and eventually they get all their juice back—sometimes, even come out ahead.
I am supported almost entirely from search engine traffic now and, even though my Alexa rating has risen to nearly 200K, I am so happy to not have to go Entrecard dropping every morning for an hour. But, if Google decided to quit sending me traffic, I’d be in big trouble.
Hope you get your juice back soon!
lmfao…great search items.
You can probably redirect those pages to the new ones – I have my own urls so it is easy for me to do on the control panel – but wasn’t your other blog on blogspot or something like that? Do they have redirect features? You might want to contact them and ask (whichever site you had the blog on.) I have an easy area where I can say, “anyone who goes to should now be redirected to this page
I had ‘sphincter tattoo’ as a search term today.
Be careful what you wish for.
Katherine’s input is nice. But, FYI, Google ultimately “punishes” websites for redirects, since some people set up lots of URLs to redirect traffic to one specific website and thereby inflating traffic for that one site, probably something like Google-traffic-wise, a redirect might help in the short term but after a while (don’t know how long), it definitely won’t. However, you almost gotta use a redirect of some sort, otherwise how will people find you?
Thanks for sharing your traffic experience, Jen. I’ve been contemplating moving to my own URL.
Google will take a little while to figure out where you are, but don’t worry. In no time, you can tell random perverts that redheads are good in bed. Links can also help Google to find you.
Sandi, I read your blogs, though the pregnant with cancer is a very compelling one and I’m sure a lot of people are interested in what your experience was like.
Dead Rooster, I too was supported by search engine results, which was nice after nearly two years. I’m sure it will come back I have lots of vagina stories to tell.
Stacie, there are a log of freaks out there, but then I search for things with some pretty weird queries too.
Katherine, blogspot does not have a redirect feature. They like to hang on to the stuff they have. I have a link for anyone who stops by and I suppose if they aren’t willing to click on the link they really don’t want to see me anyway.
Mooooog, I’m not surprised. Sorry I missed the link to your page, I’ll fix that.
P.L. I’ve heard that too. I just added the new site URL (both www and without) to google so hopefully they will crawl over here and see that my Michael Jackson post is still on the web. I deleted it from the other site along with all the other posts. One of the hardest things I have ever done by the way.
Anne, I’ve asked everyone to change their links too so I know it’s a matter of time. I really wish I had used the redheadranting instead of the redheadranting.blogspot for the last year. I’ve had the domain pointed to the blogspot site because of the way it loaded. the pages weren’t visible in the address bar and I didn’t like that. I’m still learning.
I could send you some goat porn photos……
Pricilla, Goat Porn? Do you get searches based on that? Ewwwww!
I wish I got a few odd or perverted search terms from people who found my blog that way. I love reading about some of the crazy things that people with other blogs see coming from search engines. I never seem to get those. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Maybe I need to learn how to spice things up a bit. 🙂
Ratty, because of my blog title I get a lot of weird queries. Google “redhead” most of it is porn.
Jen, you never did put your advert back on my blog. What happened? I really like the new blog, it looks great.
God bless,
Jodi, it’s there now. I thought I had done it earlier but I guess not. Thanks for the nudge!
Hello just figured i will let you know i also had a issue with this blog coming up blank as well. Must be chimpanzees in the page.