Ending 2021 on a Solid Foundation

There is a well known quote by J. K Rowling about building her foundation on rock bottom. I'm not at rock bottom, though I believe I have been where J.K was when she spoke these words: I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I still had a daughter who I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big

Ending 2021 on a Solid Foundation2021-12-31T13:52:37-06:00

I Guess I’m Gonna Start Blogging Again

What a long strange trip it's been. We're only one week into 2021 and already it's outdone its predecessor. Pretty sure there's no need for a recap, we've all been glued to our screens while the Capitol was stormed and breached by a bunch of dumbass Trump supporters. Chaos All those who stormed the Capitol and entered it to cause harm, fear and chaos should

I Guess I’m Gonna Start Blogging Again2021-01-09T11:27:43-06:00

I Used 439 Words to Say “Fuck You”, and Now I’m Going to Use Even More

This post is going to live up to the blog title - you've been warned. I just used 439 words to say "fuck you", but in a nice way. I posted that little status update last night. I vague booked, though I am sure everyone knew I was talking about my ex husband. Many people praised me for being pedantic and asked what I said.

I Used 439 Words to Say “Fuck You”, and Now I’m Going to Use Even More2019-06-19T12:12:47-05:00

So You Want to Get a Puppy…

If you're thinking about getting a puppy - don't. Actually do, they're adorable and cute and cuddly and floppy and wonderful. They just don't sleep when you want them to and they poop and pee a lot, especially when you aren't looking. We recently got a new puppy. We went through a border collie rescue and found the most adorable puppy. This was not a

So You Want to Get a Puppy…2019-06-13T20:06:19-05:00

Adventures in Online Dating & Ghosting

You might be wondering what the image has do to with online dating - it's a picture of dates - the fruit - in case you're reading this without the image, is that even possible anymore? When I was searching for a stock photo to use  in my Adventures in Online Dating & Ghosting, all the ones about dating showed happy, loving couples fawning over

Adventures in Online Dating & Ghosting2019-04-01T14:09:39-05:00

Thursdays with Mom

I usually go out and visit my mother on Thursdays. I do this because by the time Thursday rolls around I have some free time and am not rushed while visiting. I've also worked through most of the challenges of my week and am in a better place mentally to spend time with her. Visiting my mother has been a crapshoot for years. She's been

Thursdays with Mom2019-02-28T20:11:19-06:00

The Struggle is Real

It's cold here. So cold! I don't mind the cold that much, I mean reasonable cold. This cold is epic. When I woke up this morning it was -27°F. Currently, it's -18°F and falling.  I've experienced these kinds of temps before. I grew up in the 1970s when sub zero temps and record snow falls were pretty commonplace. This current Polar Vortex is breaking all

The Struggle is Real2019-01-30T21:02:49-06:00

Stuck in the Overwhelm

I don't know if the impending snowstorm and Polar Vortex that is expected this week, the lack of sunlight or what, but I've been stuck in the overwhelm for a while now.  I know I am not the only one who feels this way. I know most people are experiencing some level of this, I can see it on social media and on the faces

Stuck in the Overwhelm2019-01-27T15:28:39-06:00

Out of Mental Bandwidth

I'm completely out of mental bandwidth. I simply don't have the mental capacity to make one more decision - because if I have to it will be a bad one. I am sure I am not alone in this feeling of being at my wit's end, I'm sure every other person has felt this way at one time or another. However, as a single parent

Out of Mental Bandwidth2018-08-22T12:46:27-05:00

Dementia is a Soul Sucking Fiend

Dementia is a soul sucking fiend, there is just no way around that fact. My mother had dementia and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Which is of course what it would do. Dementia doesn't get better. It just keeps getting worse. My mother suffered brain damage from anoxia back in 1970, she was 29, (you can read more about her demetia here and

Dementia is a Soul Sucking Fiend2018-05-16T14:16:45-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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