This is What’s Wrong With Politics

I received this email this morning. Subject: ..... Name: Maximillian Steel Email: Message: You are a mindless automaton who has the audacity to call others lemmings when you support the epitome of lemmings, the GOP. So I assume you are a rich person if you are voting for the rich man's party, If not than your even dumber than I expected. It must be hard

This is What’s Wrong With Politics2012-10-23T09:52:50-05:00

Election 2012 Words and Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

I can't wait until the 2012 election is over. Now don't get me wrong, I've loved all the name calling and bickering on Newsvine and have even participated in a smackdown or two, for that the election has been entertaining. And really, isn't politics like sports now? It's not as if either of the candidates will actually accomplish anything anymore. I'm looking forward to the

Election 2012 Words and Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again2012-09-09T12:38:40-05:00

Mommy Wars 2012: The Choices Women Make

Hillary Rosen made a statement this week that has fired up the mommy wars all over again. Rosen said that Ann Romney could not understand the struggles of women in the sluggish workforce because she "never worked a day in her life" as a stay-at-home mother. Before this week I'd never heard of Hillary Rosen and I am sure most of you hadn't either. Rosen was

Mommy Wars 2012: The Choices Women Make2012-04-13T11:11:58-05:00

How To Prevent Bullying

This morning I learned that Minnesota Governor (D), Mark Dayton's Anti Bullying Task Force met for the first time today in Roseville. The task force was established to better prevent bullying in our Minnesota schools. From the Minneapolis Star Tribune: Attorney General Lori Swanson proposed legislation to require school districts to respond to bullying reports within 24 hours*. The bill also would require districts to create

How To Prevent Bullying2012-03-19T19:07:09-05:00

We Must Learn From History so we don’t Repeat it….Again

The following video about the Federal Reserve and the financial collapse is long, way too long, but bookmark it so you can come back when you have some time to watch it. This video on how money works, how the collapse happened, and how we prevent it from happening again is a must watch for everyone. Because it is produced like a School House Rock

We Must Learn From History so we don’t Repeat it….Again2011-11-09T16:57:10-06:00

9/11 – For A Brief Moment, We Were All Just Americans

I've written about 9/11 over the years, where I was, what I was doing and how the events of the day overshadowed my own hell I was facing, if only for a while. It's been ten years from that horrible day in September and at times it feels like it was yesterday. I can pull up the emotions I was feeling, the ones that are

9/11 – For A Brief Moment, We Were All Just Americans2021-09-11T10:34:11-05:00

Let’s Get Back To Work America

Tomorrow night President Obama will address the American people and a joint session of Congress. He is going to present his jobs plan to the American people and the politicos on both sides of the aisle. Why are we looking for the President to make a speech about jobs? Why are we waiting for him to create more jobs or at the very least, create

Let’s Get Back To Work America2021-09-11T10:33:55-05:00

It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Minnesota Government Shutdown

Actually it is the heat too. It's been dreadfully hot and humid here and I really don't like the heat very much. Thankfully we are getting a bit of a respite with regard to temps these last couple of days but I hear according to Jonathan that it will be in the upper 90s come this weekend. Thanks Jonathan! I'd like to blame

It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Minnesota Government Shutdown2011-07-13T19:01:37-05:00

Osama bin Laden Dead and Buried at Sea

I turned on the TV last night to catch the weather, before going to bed (chance of snow, thanks Jonathan), I had been reading an actual book so it took my eyes a moment to focus on the TV screen where I saw "Osama bin Laden Killed".   Osama bin Laden had been off my radar for a while. I really didn't think we were

Osama bin Laden Dead and Buried at Sea2011-05-02T10:41:00-05:00

Dr. Laura and the N Word

Image via Wikipedia The internet and the cable news channels have been all aflutter over the apparent racist rant of talk show radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger. In a nutshell Dr. Laura had a caller on her show who was offended that her husband's friends used the N word around her. The caller is black and her husband is white. You can listen to the

Dr. Laura and the N Word2010-08-13T12:48:55-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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