No Closure for the Wetterlings

While Jacob Wetterling's remains have been found, there will be no closure for the Wetterlings. Over the weekend news sites and social media have been filled with articles about Jacob Wetterling. Jacob Wetterling's remains were found this past weekend when the man who is suspected of abducting Jacob led authorities to his remains. I know better, but I looked at the comments. All of the comments

No Closure for the Wetterlings2016-09-06T15:43:25-05:00

What’s Happening to Our Nation?

If you're like me, you're probably wondering what's happening to our nation? Yesterday, following the killing of Philando Castile, I was moved to go to the protest at the Governor's mansion in St. Paul. I've wanted to write about this issue for a long time, but have never known what to say. Witnessing the peaceful protest at the Governor's mansion didn't help me much. For

What’s Happening to Our Nation?2016-07-08T09:03:57-05:00

On the Passing of Prince – From a Minnesotan

I was in the car with my daughter Thursday morning when we heard the news that Prince had died. We were going to Ikea, driving along 494 through Burnsville, Mn. My daughter is in charge of the radio while we drive and had just switched from satellite radio to a local station, Cities 97 if you're wondering, when we caught the tail end of the

On the Passing of Prince – From a Minnesotan2016-04-23T11:46:40-05:00

The Trouble With The Democrats

The trouble with the Democrats is - where to begin? Ugh, the biggest trouble the Democrats have is Bernie. As I stated when I wrote my post about the trouble with the Republicans, I am no political expert, I watch and listen to the talking heads, I read the paper (online) and I try my best to get both sides of the argument and I

The Trouble With The Democrats2016-02-23T19:39:40-06:00

Beyoncé and Red Lobster

Evidently, Beyoncé has single handedly* increased sales at Red Lobster because of her new song Formation. Apparently, when he fuck her good, she takes his ass to Red Lobster. No shit, those are the lyrics to her newest song (anthem, really) that she performed (I think) during the Super Bowl half time show this past weekend. I'm not really sure if she performed it because

Beyoncé and Red Lobster2016-02-09T19:52:54-06:00

Why We Can’t Stop Terror Attacks

I'm horribly saddened by the terror attacks in Paris last week. My heart goes out to those who are victims and their families. I know our government will stand shoulder to shoulder with France and talk about the fight on terror and how we've got them on the run and blah, blah, blah. I've heard it before. The problem is no matter how many people change their

Why We Can’t Stop Terror Attacks2015-11-17T06:50:22-06:00

I Saw The Bloggess!!

I saw the Bloggess!! (an unintentional homage to Jenny Lawson) I don't mean to be a name dropper but I've seen my share of celebrities over the years. When I was 16 my parents sold our house to Garrison Keillor. I had no idea who he was but my grandfather sure thought he was the shit! I used to babysit Nick Swardson of Grandma's Boy and Reno 911

I Saw The Bloggess!!2015-11-05T13:11:45-06:00

Gwyneth Goes Slumming on $29 Per Day

You'd think the big news in the past week was that Hillary Clinton announced (officially) that she is running for president but that hardly made a ripple on social media. Instead there was a crack in the ozone when Gwyneth Paltrow announce via Twitter that she was taking the #FoodBankNYCChallenge promoted by her friend Mario Batali. The goal of the project is to bring awareness to

Gwyneth Goes Slumming on $29 Per Day2015-04-15T15:40:55-05:00

Mall of America Threatened by Terrorist Group Al-Shabab

The Mall of America was officially threatened by Somali terrorist group Al-Shabab. I'm not surprised by this and I doubt Homeland Security is either. I have to assume the MOA has had a large target on it since 9/11, if not before. It epitomizes everything about western culture that groups like Al-Shabab despise. In the winter I am a mall walker. I usually go to

Mall of America Threatened by Terrorist Group Al-Shabab2015-02-22T14:11:16-06:00

Rock This Boat with the New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) on POP – Tonight at 7pm Central

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! I get to love blog, or live tweet as the case may be, tonight's back to back episodes of Rock this Boat on POPtv. I was chosen to be an influencer for the show which means swag!!! I was supposed to start this gig last week but only found out about it at the last minute and I had already promised the

Rock This Boat with the New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) on POP – Tonight at 7pm Central2015-02-11T09:55:11-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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