The Winner of the Happy Goat Soap Giveaway is…

Frogmama! I am sure that living in Mulletville makes it difficult to find luxurious soaps such as Happy Goat Soap, and I suspect many of the residents of Mulletville could stand to use some rich goat's milk soap to smell just a little less mulletlike. Congratulations Frogmama. Thanks to everyone for entering! I am still carb free, or at least reduced. I have had fruits

The Winner of the Happy Goat Soap Giveaway is…2010-03-05T12:41:46-06:00

National Cupcake Day and Websites to Avoid

Today is National Cupcake Day which is ironic considering all the press Lisa Ellis is getting for having her naked body turn up on Wyclef Jean's cell phone. If it were National Titty Cupcake Day it would be perfect for Miss Ellis. Of course she is busy looking for a new job right now so it probably doesn't matter to her. As you all know

National Cupcake Day and Websites to Avoid2010-03-03T14:06:09-06:00

Giving Up Carbs

I'm going to give up carbohydrates. I'm going to give up my precious carbs for a week.  And I am going to document it here. I have to. Bathing suit season is still far enough away that there might be some hope for me. I also have to because I ate the most ginormous waffle today and I don't think I could look

Giving Up Carbs2010-02-28T19:20:45-06:00

Countdown to bathing suit season

Now that it is April and summer may really be around the corner I determined today by stepping on the scale that I must lose some weight. I hate going to the gym but I love walking and hiking and stuff like that. Getting exercise in the warmer months is easy but in the winter I let everything go. I did really well during the

Countdown to bathing suit season2008-04-03T12:35:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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