Summer in Minnesota 2016: We Lost Prince and Found Jacob

They say this decade, the 2010s, has been pretty crappy for those who came of age during the 80s, we've lost so many of our icons. If that's true, then this summer has truly epitomized that sentiment, especially for Minnesotans. This Summer We Lost Prince and Found Jacob Summer 2016 has been a roller coaster ride. While not officially summer, it was warm (and that's

Summer in Minnesota 2016: We Lost Prince and Found Jacob2016-09-05T11:09:23-05:00

Cheesy Smoked Sausage Hotdish Instant Pot Recipe

I've been cooking with my Instant Pot just about every day since I got it a few weeks ago. I used the Instant Pot IP-DUO60 7-in-1 Multi-Functional Pressure Cooker, 6Qt/1000W, but you can use any pressure cooker. I put together this cheesy smoked sausage hotdish Instant Pot recipe so I could use up some kielbasa I had in the freezer. Not only was it super easy

Cheesy Smoked Sausage Hotdish Instant Pot Recipe2016-08-17T16:03:35-05:00

What’s Happening to Our Nation?

If you're like me, you're probably wondering what's happening to our nation? Yesterday, following the killing of Philando Castile, I was moved to go to the protest at the Governor's mansion in St. Paul. I've wanted to write about this issue for a long time, but have never known what to say. Witnessing the peaceful protest at the Governor's mansion didn't help me much. For

What’s Happening to Our Nation?2016-07-08T09:03:57-05:00

On the Passing of Prince – From a Minnesotan

I was in the car with my daughter Thursday morning when we heard the news that Prince had died. We were going to Ikea, driving along 494 through Burnsville, Mn. My daughter is in charge of the radio while we drive and had just switched from satellite radio to a local station, Cities 97 if you're wondering, when we caught the tail end of the

On the Passing of Prince – From a Minnesotan2016-04-23T11:46:40-05:00

Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish

Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish A few weeks ago a Buzzfeed quiz was making the rounds. It was clickbait titled: This Food Test Will Determine If You’re Actually From Minnesota. Being a Minnesotan, I clicked on it to see if I was actually from Minnesota. I scored a 12 out of 12, but being Minnesotan I'm not going to toot my horn about it. Minnesotans

Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish2021-02-16T10:47:15-06:00

Failure of Saint Paul Public Schools, Solutions Not Suspensions and Teachers Strike

Last week a teacher at St. Paul Central High School was brutally beaten when he tried to help to break up a fight between two students arguing about football. The teacher was slammed into a concrete wall, then the student picked the teacher up by his neck in a strangulation hold before slamming him onto a cafeteria chair and table. The student then got on top of

Failure of Saint Paul Public Schools, Solutions Not Suspensions and Teachers Strike2015-12-09T20:20:25-06:00

I Saw The Bloggess!!

I saw the Bloggess!! (an unintentional homage to Jenny Lawson) I don't mean to be a name dropper but I've seen my share of celebrities over the years. When I was 16 my parents sold our house to Garrison Keillor. I had no idea who he was but my grandfather sure thought he was the shit! I used to babysit Nick Swardson of Grandma's Boy and Reno 911

I Saw The Bloggess!!2015-11-05T13:11:45-06:00

Mall of America Threatened by Terrorist Group Al-Shabab

The Mall of America was officially threatened by Somali terrorist group Al-Shabab. I'm not surprised by this and I doubt Homeland Security is either. I have to assume the MOA has had a large target on it since 9/11, if not before. It epitomizes everything about western culture that groups like Al-Shabab despise. In the winter I am a mall walker. I usually go to

Mall of America Threatened by Terrorist Group Al-Shabab2015-02-22T14:11:16-06:00

Today is The Day of Positivity!!

Today is apparently The SpongeBob Day of Positivity, a day in which to celebrate SpongeBob Squarepant’s most admired quality – eternal positivity! I know this because my inbox is filled with all kinds of press releases about the positive event. Usually I ignore them because, like this press release, they come on the day of the event and I don't have time put together a decent post

Today is The Day of Positivity!!2015-01-05T12:42:47-06:00

How to Prepare for and Survive a Minnesota Winter

It's coming, sooner than we'd hoped but just about on schedule, really. The powers that be at the weather center are predicting a Polar Vortex in the next 48 hours. Montana is expected to reach a low of -9 while places in the Midwest, including Minnesota, are expecting a foot of snow by Tuesday. If you're from other parts of the country and you're not

How to Prepare for and Survive a Minnesota Winter2014-11-09T09:45:14-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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