Let’s Do A Little Catching Up, Shall We?

Last time I wrote I was complaining because I couldn't write 1700 words a day. I'd decided to participate in the NaBloPoMo that takes place in November, but found it a challenge to write 1700 words per day. It was my intention to write everyday, even if I didn't hit the 1700 word mark. I made it a whole 4 days. I love blogging, I love

Let’s Do A Little Catching Up, Shall We?2023-03-06T21:50:54-06:00

My Mother Passed Away

Every January I get a bee in my bonnet about starting to blog again. This year was no different and I wrote two whole posts before I stopped writing. I was fired up about accountability and Cancel Culture. I still am, but no one else seems too concerned so it's like screaming into the wind. I had every intention of blogging more - I was

My Mother Passed Away2021-09-21T13:55:46-05:00

Favorite Holiday Memories

Christmas is a time when I try to impart on my children the traditions I grew up with. Yes, I've made them try lutefisk and there's always some pickled herring in the fridge, but those aren't the traditions I'm talking about. Growing up, Christmas was celebrated twice. Once with extended family and once with just the four of us - Mom, Dad, my brother and

Favorite Holiday Memories2020-12-23T18:47:30-06:00

Thursdays with Mom

I usually go out and visit my mother on Thursdays. I do this because by the time Thursday rolls around I have some free time and am not rushed while visiting. I've also worked through most of the challenges of my week and am in a better place mentally to spend time with her. Visiting my mother has been a crapshoot for years. She's been

Thursdays with Mom2019-02-28T20:11:19-06:00

Some Thoughts on the Super Bowl

Now that it's over, everyone can go home. Obviously, I have some thoughts on the Super Bowl and all the surrounding festivities and celebrations that took place in the Twin Cities metro area. Some Thoughts on the Super Bowl First and foremost, it was pretty awesome. The weather couldn't have been better. Sure, it was cold and it snowed a few inches, but that's what

Some Thoughts on the Super Bowl2018-02-05T12:41:08-06:00

An Invitation to Dinner for Jimmy Fallon

So apparently Jimmy Fallon is inviting himself to dine with some Minnesotans while he's here for his live Tonight Show following the Super Bowl. He's not from here so he wouldn't know that we don't just invite ourselves over to someone's house for dinner. In fact, we have to be invited a minimum of three times before we can accept anything.  However, this is a

An Invitation to Dinner for Jimmy Fallon2018-02-01T13:27:57-06:00

How to Fit in When Visiting the Twin Cities for the Super Bowl

If you're wondering how to fit in when visiting the Twin Cities for the Super Bowl, I'll save you all kinds of time. You can't. Sure, you can dress warmly (though that is the first clue you aren't from here), and you can even adopt a quasi Fargo accent, you still won't fit in. Hell, I was born here and have lived here for most

How to Fit in When Visiting the Twin Cities for the Super Bowl2018-01-29T05:46:30-06:00


Skol! That was a helluva game last night. It looked like a typical Minnesota Vikings end of season. They held a 17 point lead agains the Saints for most of the game and then they didn't. There were seconds left on the clock, no way they could win, but they did. I don't need to recap the game, you probably saw it when it happened


When the Bough Breaks

Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop, When the wind blows, the cradle will rock, When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, And down will come baby, cradle and all. Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop Who the hell puts their baby, along with the cradle, in a fucking tree? They don't. It's a metaphor. For mother (or father, primary caregiver - just so I don't offend anyone reading this who isn't

When the Bough Breaks2018-01-11T13:49:07-06:00


When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Right? That's what we're told. And yet, turning something bad into something good inevitably pisses someone off. I've been working diligently on being more positive and trying really hard to not wallow in the crap. That's a difficult thing for me to do - not wallow. I let things get to me when they shouldn't.  Lately my life


About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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