I ran across this on Cryptomundo. My new favorite website. If anyone has a clue what this might be please let me know.
I ran across this on Cryptomundo. My new favorite website. If anyone has a clue what this might be please let me know.
Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).
It looks like a dead animal.
Duh! What kind of animal?
The word on the street is that it’s a raccoon.
a photoshopped raccoon? The beak isn’t right?
It’s me on a recent trip to the beach.
The other photo on the original site shows it head on. The “beak” is the animal’s nasal bone. Something else lunched on the poor ‘coon’s shnozz.
This is a dead dog, one with a pug snout- or of the bulldog bloodline. The flesh has rotted away at the snout, due to the soft tissues being the first thing visited and the most viable entrance for the creatures that “take care” of corpses. The fur has been baked off by the sun, and “slippage’ has set in, removing the fur. Slippage happens when the fat between layers of skin decomposes, causing the outer skin to “slip off.” Sorry if it is tmi for you, but these are the facts of life! -er.. Death..