I received a call from Jeff this morning asking me what was going on. I assume he read the last post. I told him I talked to “Ned” and he was sending me a box to return my computer for repair.
“He wasn’t supposed to call you.” Jeff said. “Let me check some things, I’ll call you back this afternoon.”
Jeff sounded irritated. I’m not sure if he was with me or the tech support people.
“Okay.” I said
Jeff apologized for the mix up and reassured me that this would get be resolved. He said yesterday that they would not be replacing my computer so I didn’t see what the mix up had been unless the tech calls got crossed somehow. Maybe “Ned” was calling back from the other times I had called and had nothing to do with Jeff. Or maybe not.
A little while later I got a call from Mary in Palo Alto, CA. She said she was the executive case manager. She also gave me her last name and phone number. She told me that HP was going to replace my computer with the same model and overnight it to me so that I would receive it tomorrow. She confirmed my full name, address and email address. She said she would call me back when she had confirmation of the shipment.
Mary called back a few minutes later with the confirmation. She told me not to return the old computer in the box I received today but to wait until I get the new box they are shipping. I suggested that they just ship different labels and I could use the box I already had. She agreed that made sense. I asked Mary for her email so I could let her know that it had arrived. She gave it to me. Mary was very polite.
I just got an email confirmation that the computer is on its way. And I just spoke to the FedEx guy about the delivery time. I need to sign for the package and of course I have appointments in the morning. FedEx guy went through all of the possible ways it might be shipped and assured me that if I wasn’t home for the first delivery he would be bring it by on his second trip through the neighborhood.
Let’s everyone keep our fingers crossed.
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