It finally happened, after months and months of agony, the tooth finally let go and fell out.
I’m so proud, I feel as if my daughter just graduated from medical school or passed the bar.
I still can’t believe it actually happened. I was beginning to think the tooth had regrown roots and was forever going to be part of her.
It all happened so unexpectedly too. Daughter was playing on and felt something between her lip and gum. She reached in to see what kind of food was lodged there and pulled out a tooth. Screaming commenced so much so that I was sure the house was on fire and came running in from the backyard ready to call 911.
She was just excited about losing the tooth. She wasn’t frightened. I was even more excited when I learned what had happened and jumped up and down with her in excitement. Our neighbors who had also been waiting in anticipation of the loss of the tooth also celebrated with us by jumping up and down. Neighbors on both sides of the house.
She wants to bring the tooth to show-and-tell on Monday, so the tooth fairy can’t come until next week which is great since we sent a picture of the missing tooth to her father and we have decided that champagne is in order. I’m almost sure the tooth fairy would forget to visit since there will be a huge celebration and many toasts to the lost tooth.
Now that the tooth is out of her mouth and safely placed in a Zip Loc bag she has started wiggling the tooth next to it. It’s loose now.
Sound the Trumpets! The Tooth has proclaimed its freedom!
I really can not express nor articulate how wonderful it really is. But sounding the trumpets comes close.
LOL…… I do remember those days…. congrats!!
Mirabile dictu!
Were the roots red? If that’s too personal, I understand.
wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo I am so happy the drama has finally ended!
At first I thought it was your tooth! I am relieved it wasn’t, because if you were that excited about losing a tooth, well…. :p
Thank God. That tooth must have been exhausted.
FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for the day and was so happy to see your post title. What a relief. {worries a little about the next one….}
Winky, thank you I am so pleased.
GDad I had to ask Google what that meant and it is.
Douglas, I assume we are talking about the tooth, there were no roots as those disintegrate thus making the tooth fall out but there was blood on the tooth.
Dizz, It has for this tooth and hopefully the next one will not be so dramatic.
Chelle, I’d be a little upset if I were to loose a tooth, I do have dreams about that every now and then but I think most people do.
Bill, it looks exhausted. Now it will make the tour to school, Girl Scouts and Grandma and Grandpa’s house. It has already toured the neighborhood.
Kathy, it reminded me of Windy and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to post a birthday for the tooth. Keep your fingers crossed for the next one.
I love the champagne idea. If you get the Tooth Fairy sloshed, too, maybe she can just leave the money and forget the tooth. And your little girl can cart it around for a few more weeks.
I have been waiting for this post!
I am very glad she wasn’t upset and that it is a celebration and not a tragedy.
Hopefully the next one will come out more quickly…
Hic! in toast with you
Hey, I know of someone considerably older who once had a tooth that was loose enough to be moved at least a half of an inch back and forth. Since he was in no position to go to a dentist at the time, he decided to pull it himself. Be assured that the thought was most disturbing to him, but something just had to be done–even though there was no pain involved (YET!!!). So, he went to his toolbox and got out a pair of needle-nose pliers, and then sat in the dark in order to prepare his nerves. An hour or so later, he was still not quite ready, but time was a-wastin’ away. So, he took a deep breath through his nose, and when he opened his mouth to extract the tooth, it fell out on its own. Tragically, the Tooth Fairy was too disgusted with his great lack of manliness to pay a visit, and his wife still wonders what is wrong with him for bringing the tooth back home to show her.
yea…the tooth is out…here comes the toothfairy.
So awesome!! These little things in life seem to be the major ones for our kids…and for us.
Thankfully a string and doorknob weren’t involved (don’t you feel like that’s always the loose tooth set-up?)
So glad it was a tooth that was supposed to fall out and not a dramatic ER story! I love the title of your blog, from one ranting redhead to another, have a great week.
Congrats on the tooth! I know it has been a long time. I hope the next one goes more smoothly (and quickly).
[…] of you might remember back in April I wrote about the tooth that would not come out. Eventually it did come out and we celebrated the event. She lost another tooth not too long after the first one and it was a […]