Shelf Safe Milk: Easy and Convenient – Tasty Too!

Even though I haven't written about out trip to the Badlands yet it would have been challenging to find healthy meals on the go, at a reasonable cost, if it hadn't been for shelf safe milk. I am participating in a Milk Unleashed review of shelf safe milk in an effort to get the word out about how safe, convenient and tasty shelf safe milk

Shelf Safe Milk: Easy and Convenient – Tasty Too!2013-08-06T15:51:26-05:00

Minnesota: Where Even The Criminals Are Practical

Image via Wikipedia Back in 1987, Howard Mohr wrote a funny little book that taught non natives of Minnesota how to talk like us. Howard Mohr's How To Talk Minnesotan: A Visitor's Guide was a bestseller here in the land of 10,000 lakes, though no one would ever admit to actually purchasing the book. We all borrowed it from someone who was from

Minnesota: Where Even The Criminals Are Practical2024-08-07T13:33:35-05:00

Twin Cities Blizzard-December 2010

I've missed you internet. First it was the trojan* that incapacitated my PC and laptop and then this! I was almost back online when this monster of a storm hit late Friday night. I wasn't the least bit prepared for it and ran to the store, like everyone else in my neighborhood, at 8pm. The shelves were empty but I made do by grabbing some

Twin Cities Blizzard-December 20102010-12-12T20:06:12-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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