Father’s Day Gifts That Aren’t Too Hard on the Wallet

You wouldn't buy your mom a kitchen appliance for Mother's Day, right? So don't give your dad a mundane gift for Father's Day this year. Anyone who’s ever seen the movie ‘A Christmas Story” remembers the look of mock joy on the father’s face when he opens a gift to find a tub of car wax. “A can of Simoniz,” he says, flashing a frozen

Father’s Day Gifts That Aren’t Too Hard on the Wallet2013-06-06T10:03:40-05:00

Top 5 tips and tricks to train, exercise, and better your brain

Repetition is the father of learning.  Your brain is a muscle and you have to exercise it just like any other muscle in the body.  And just like physical exercise, you need proper form to maximize your gains.  When it comes down to it, learning is a basic three-step process: take in data, turn it into information and then using that information repetitively so that

Top 5 tips and tricks to train, exercise, and better your brain2012-04-09T13:48:01-05:00

High Heel Hazards

This is for Nicky and Linda who both live in high heeled shoes. I know they both have amazing gams and love to show off their sexy legs in these shoes. But as you can see high heels can do some damage as this infographic shows. I love heels, there isn't anything so bad that a new pair of shoes can't fix. For me, I'm

High Heel Hazards2012-01-30T14:41:30-06:00

Unpaid Writers Suing The Huffington Post

I was all set to talk about silly songs that are stuck in my head lately but then this story jumped out at me. Apparently a blogger and a union activist are suing AOL and The Huffington Post for $100 million because they didn't pay their freelance writers. I've talked about this on several occasions and firmly believe that these writers who give away their

Unpaid Writers Suing The Huffington Post2011-04-12T15:46:18-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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