You Know You are Getting Old When

You know you are getting old when you have to start brushing your eyebrows. I still don't have the nose hair problem and my ears seem to be hair free but suddenly my eyebrows look like Andy Rooney's. I'm not really happy about this. Related articles by Zemanta The Eyebrow Mistakes You're Making ( Skin Deep: After Overplucking, It's Time to Call the Professionals (

You Know You are Getting Old When2009-10-07T10:52:07-05:00

Red Flags

Image via Wikipedia I have known for a while now that any new information I take in, bumps out old information. There is only so much space for useless knowledge and after the memory card is full the brain starts to delete stuff. I can still play Name That Tune with any pop song from 1978 to 1984. That knowledge is still locked in there

Red Flags2009-01-27T19:54:00-06:00

We have to have another talk

I registered my five year old for kindergarten on Friday. When we were finished with the process the person who performed the intake gave my daughter a backpack filled with school supplies and other trinkets. My daughter was very pleased with her new backpack. In this backpack was a pair of safety scissors. Blunt tip but still sharp. I have talked with my daughter many

We have to have another talk2008-07-28T20:07:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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