Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup

For your reading pleasure I've put together my sometimes annual Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup. Every other media outlet does a roundup so I thought, what the heck, I'll do one too! I'm actually surprised I wrote enough this year for a roundup. In fact, I actually wrote and published 60 posts this year, which is my third time high since I started blogging in 2007.

Redhead Ranting 2016 Roundup2016-12-31T10:45:36-06:00

Bloggers who Blog

A few weeks ago I asked Facebook if any bloggers were still blogging. I received quite a response from all of you who are still blogging, so I created this Bloggers who Blog list. Feel free to visit all of sites listed here. You may find a new gem! I've been making my way, and leaving a comment, on each of the blogs listed. I hope

Bloggers who Blog2016-10-26T22:12:29-05:00

Bloggers Who Write Books

This week is a great week for those of us who started blogging because we were going to write a book. I say that because two great bloggers have come out with books this week and each of them are not only great reads but inspiration for those of us who have a book but just haven't gotten off our asses long enough to hit

Bloggers Who Write Books2015-05-20T10:26:03-05:00

Biting The Hand That Feeds Me

I've been blogging for almost five years. When I first started blogging I spent all day reading other blogs, clicking on little yellow boxes and even writing a post here and there. I met a great group of people and really enjoyed reading what they had to say. Commenting was the best part of blogging in the early days because it was a way to

Biting The Hand That Feeds Me2012-06-06T10:57:40-05:00

Have you checked out Bizzclick for your blog?

Have you tried Bizzclick for your blog? Bizzclick is a new pay per click agency for bloggers who are looking for a way to earn a little extra money with their blogs or websites. Bizzclick offers opportunities to both publishers and advertisers using their network to monetize their traffic. If you are a blogger you could monetize your website by becoming a publisher on the

Have you checked out Bizzclick for your blog?2012-01-30T14:18:46-06:00

Do You Spend Too Much Time Writing Content?

Is there even such a thing as spending too much time on website or blog content? Sadly the answer is yes. Writing the content of your blog is only a small part of what it means to be a successful blogger or writer. Since most people who write blogs are doing so for ulterior motives lets take a moment to be honest about why we

Do You Spend Too Much Time Writing Content?2011-10-18T15:47:43-05:00

Top Ten List of Great Blogging Ideas

Have you been thinking lately that you could you use a few new ideas for your blog? How about 500 great ideas for your blog? You don't have to think of them yourself. Take a look at these tips to give your blog a little boost. 50 Can't-Fail Techniques for Finding Great Blog Topics by Copyblogger. 50 Ways to Dodge the Blog Burnout Sucker Punch

Top Ten List of Great Blogging Ideas2011-10-13T11:22:00-05:00

Blogging for Your Business

I work with a lot of companies that want to get their name out there on the web but who just don't know how to do it. They know they aren't using the internet to its fullest marking potential but don't know how to use the internet to their advantage either. Often times they will have a website, usually created by a friend or family

Blogging for Your Business2011-09-27T18:55:40-05:00

Unpaid Writers Suing The Huffington Post

I was all set to talk about silly songs that are stuck in my head lately but then this story jumped out at me. Apparently a blogger and a union activist are suing AOL and The Huffington Post for $100 million because they didn't pay their freelance writers. I've talked about this on several occasions and firmly believe that these writers who give away their

Unpaid Writers Suing The Huffington Post2011-04-12T15:46:18-05:00

Bloggers Have to Demand Their Full Value and Stop Giving Away their Writing For Free

Yesterday, AOL purchased The Huffington Post for $315,000,000., this was big news all over the internet. Apparently the deal was signed at the Super Bowl. I don't read the Huffington Post often because I don't care for the reporting or the petty tone of their articles and I especially don't like all the name calling going on in the comment sections. I understand

Bloggers Have to Demand Their Full Value and Stop Giving Away their Writing For Free2011-02-07T19:25:17-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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